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#4657 - I get localhost link when clicking Synchronize records with Mautic mautic in admin settings, also mautic plugin not installing

Closed Bug? created by henry2 2 years ago

I get localhost link when clicking Synchronize records with Mautic mautic in admin settings, also mautic plugin not installing

Mautic is latest one as of jan 12th 4.x. Suite CRM is latest to of 7 branch as of jan 12th.

here is the url that Synchronize records with Mautic is going to: http://localhost/index.php?module=Administration

  1. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    2 years ago

    Hello Henry,

    First of all we're very happy to know that you're interested in our product.

    I forwarded your message to our developers. I'll get back to you.

    Best, Maciej Jankiewicz eVolpe Support Team

  2. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    2 years ago

    It is a standard behavior after clicking on the "Synchronize records with Mautic" button, CRM redirects you to the Administration module. If your CRM domain is not 'localhost', you have wrong 'site_url' setting in your /config_override.php or /config.php, please fixup this setting and rebuild instance in Administration / Repair / Quick Repair and Rebuild. If Mautic plugin is not installing, please tell us what step are you stuck in documentation on: Your Mautic version is 4.4.5 right? What PHP version do you have for Mautic instance? Do you get errors in Mautic logs (usually in /var/logs/) or PHP logs?

  3. henry2 member avatar


    2 years ago

    A sampling of erros in maujtic, please fix:

    undle/EventListener/CommonSubscriber.php on line 102 at /home/weismann/"} {"hostname":"","pid":14869} mautic_prod-2023-01-26.php:[2023-01-26 00:15:39] mautic.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: "Argument 1 passed to MauticPlugin\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\Api\CrmApi::__construct() must be an instance of MauticPlugin\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\Integration\EVolpeMarketingAutomationIntegration, bool given, called in /home/weismann/ on line 102" at /home/weismann/ line 12 {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError(code: 0): Argument 1 passed to MauticPlugin\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\Api\CrmApi::__construct() must be an instance of MauticPlugin\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\Integration\EVolpeMarketingAutomationIntegration, bool given, called in /home/weismann/ on line 102 at /home/weismann/"} {"hostname":"","pid":14869} mautic_prod-2023-01-26.php:[2023-01-26 00:15:41] mautic.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: "Argument 1 passed to MauticPlugin\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\Api\CrmApi::__construct() must be an instance of MauticPlugin\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\Integration\EVolpeMarketingAutomationIntegration, bool given, called in /home/weismann/ on line 102" at /home/weismann/ line 12 {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError(code: 0): Argument 1 passed to MauticPlugin\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\Api\CrmApi::__construct() must be an instance of MauticPlugin\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\Integration\EVolpeMarketingAutomationIntegration, bool given, called in ":"[object] (TypeError(code: 0): Argument 1 passed to MauticPlugin\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\Api\CrmApi::__construct() must be an instance of MauticPlugin\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\Integration\EVolpeMarketingAutomationIntegration, bool given, called in /home/weismann/ on line 102 at :12)","command":"mautic:segments:update","message":"Argument 1 passed to MauticPlugin\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\Api\CrmApi::__construct() must be an instance of MauticPlugin\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\Integration\EVolpeMarketingAutomationIntegration, bool given, called in /home/weismann/ on line 102"} {"hostname":"","pid":13500} prod-2023-01-27.php:[2023-01-27 23:15:02] console.CRITICAL: Error thrown while running command "mautic:segments:update". Message: "Argument 1 passed to MauticPlugin\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\Api\CrmApi::__construct() must be an instance of MauticPlugin\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\Integration\EVolpeMarketingAutomationIntegration, bool given, called in /home/weismann/ on line 102" {"exception":"[object] (TypeError(code: 0): Argument 1 passed to MauticPlugin\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\Api\CrmApi::__construct() must be an instance of MauticPlugin\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\Integration\EVolpeMarketingAutomationIntegration, bool given, called in /home/weismann/ on line 102 at /home/weismann/","command":"mautic:segments:update","message":"Argument 1 passed to MauticPlugin\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\Api\CrmApi::__construct() must be an instance of MauticPlugin\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\Integration\EVolpeMarketingAutomationIntegration, bool given, called in /home/weismann/ on line 102"} {"hostname":"","pid":19902}

  4. henry2 member avatar


    2 years ago

    can you guys install it?

  5. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    2 years ago

    Thanks for your reply.

    In the meantime: - Your Mautic version is 4.4.5 right? - What PHP version do you have for Mautic instance?

  6. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    2 years ago

    It looks like you have problem with installation plugin and rebuild Mautic cache after that. Try this solution when you copy plugins/ content to your Mautic plugins/ instance directory, one line by one:

    cd bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force bin/console cache:clear bin/console cache:warmup bin/console mautic:plugins:install bin/console mautic:plugins:update bin/console cache:clear bin/console cache:warmup chmod -R 755 . chown -R www-data:www-data .

    If some console red errors appear while cache:clear executing, just ignore them, and do the rest od command lines above.

  7. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    2 years ago

    cd <your_mautic_instance_directory bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force bin/console cache:clear bin/console cache:warmup bin/console mautic:plugins:install bin/console mautic:plugins:update bin/console cache:clear bin/console cache:warmup chmod -R 755 chown -R www-data:www-data

  8. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    2 years ago


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