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#3642 - Type error when installing

Closed Bug? created by john5 3 years ago

When I run the php bin/console cache:clear command I receive the following error message 8 times:

In CrmApi.php line 12:

Type error: Argument 1 passed to MauticPlugin\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\Api\CrmApi::__construct() must be an instance of MauticPlugin\EV
olpeMarketingAutomationBundle\Integration\EVolpeMarketingAutomationIntegration, bool given, called in /var/www/mautic_directory/
plugins/EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle/Command/CommonCommand.php on line 109

And the plugin does not appear on the Mautic /s/plugins page. Is there a way to resolve this?

  1. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    3 years ago

    Hello John,

    First of all we are very happy tknow that you're interested in our plugin.

    What version of SuiteCRM and Mautic do you have?

    Did you use our installation guide? =>

    Best, Maciej Jankiewicz eVolpe Support Team

  2. john5 member avatar


    3 years ago

    Mautic version 3.3.3 SuiteCRM version 7.11.19 (Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344))

    And yes, I did follow the guide. On step 4, when executing this command 'php bin/console cache:clear && php bin/console cache:warmup' I received the above error message

  3. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    3 years ago


    Our plugin is not compatible with version 3.3. I think there might be a problem here. We are working on making our plugin compatible with the latest version of Mautic. However, it is difficult for me to say when it will happen.

    So far it looks like this:

    For Mautic 2.X: • PHP: 5.6, 7.1, 7.3 • Database: MySQL • Mautic: 2.14.X, 2.15.X, 2.16.X

    For Mautic 3.X: • PHP: 7.3 • Database: MySQL • Mautic: from version 3.1.2 to version 3.2.x

    Sugar: 8.0.X, 9.0.X, 10.0.X or SuiteCRM: 7.10.X, 7.11.X

    Best, Maciej Jankiewicz

  4. john5 member avatar


    3 years ago

    Ok thank you for letting me know. What is the most recent version of Mautic with which this plugin will work?

  5. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    3 years ago

    For now it's version 3.2.x

  6. john5 member avatar


    3 years ago

    I receive the same error with Mautic version 3.2.5 and 3.2.0 Is there another solution I can try?

  7. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    3 years ago

    It should be ok. I forwarded your message to our developers. I'll let you know ASAP.


  8. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    3 years ago

    Please close all tabs from Mautic in your browser. Perform the following commands (in below sequence) in the SSH console (ignore errors if they appear in the console):

    cd php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force php bin/console cache:clear php bin/console cache:warmup php bin/console mautic:plugins:install php bin/console mautic:plugins:update php bin/console cache:clear php bin/console cache:warmup rm -r var/cache/*

    Please open the Mautic instance page. Charging may take a while (for the first time). Once loaded, the plugin should appear.

    Best, MJ

  9. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    3 years ago

    IMPORTANT: Please type the commands one by one.

  10. john5 member avatar


    3 years ago

    Great, that worked! Thank you very much for your help.

  11. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    3 years ago

    That's good to hear! In case you have additional questions please do not hesitate to contact me back.


  12. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    2 years ago

    We updated our requirements for our plugin.

    Now we support: Mautic version: from version 4.0.X to version 4.1.X Mautic version: from version 3.2.X to version 3.3.X Mautic version: 2.14.X, 2.15.X, 2.16.X

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