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#1739 - Problem with Synch of Marketing Activities

Closed Bug? created by Business Fundamentals 6 years ago

Mautic v2.15.0 SuiteCRM 7.10.11 LAMP stack PHP 7.0.33 Module downloaded from Sugar Outfitters Module CRM to Mautic 3.9.196 Plugin Mautic 3.9.94

Hi I have recently installed your plugin for a customer of mine and am having problems with the Marketing Activities records NOT synching to Suite. The other functionality, Mautic points, Mautic link from Suite to Mautic appear to be working as expected. The Mautic Dashboard displays an error from your plugin, "There was an error encountered when trying to synchronize with CRM" I have checked that the mautic:evolpe:historyactivity CRON job is configured and is firing - it is logging it's output to a custom log file, a snippet of that output is below:

EVolpe Sync Start
Count: 6
New request.....
ID: 9571
Type: update_opt_out_email
New request.....
ID: 9572

I have checked the SuiteCRM log file for occurrences of mautic and fatal and all seems to be correct, no fatals

The Mautic log file has the following in it that may be relevant though only a notice

[2019-02-02 22:09:04] mautic.NOTICE: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to a member function getId() on null (uncaught exception) at /mautic/public_html/app/bundles/AssetBundle/Views/SubscribedEvents/Timeline/index.html.php line 16 while running console command `mautic:evolpe:historyactivity` [] []

I was previously having problems with the native Sugar Plugin within Mautic, however, this plugin has been disabled

[2019-02-02 00:00:07] mautic.ERROR: INTEGRATION ERROR: Sugarcrm - Module Does Not Exist mtc_WebActivities set_entries POST [] []

Any assistance you can give me, greatly appreciated

  1. MartyP member avatar

    Business Fundamentals

    6 years ago

    Sorry, one other thing, I am running nGinx as well

  2. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    6 years ago


    we are analysing your case and will let you know as soon as possible

  3. MartyP member avatar

    Business Fundamentals

    6 years ago

    Also found this error message

    Got error 'PHP message: PHP Notice: Undefined index: ev_MauticActivities in /public_html/include/Mautic/MauticIntegrator/MauticIntegrationConfig.php on line 105\nPHP message: PHP Notice: Undefined index: ev_MauticActivities in /public_html/include/Mautic/MauticIntegrator/MauticIntegrationConfig.php on line 105\n'

  4. MartyP member avatar

    Business Fundamentals

    6 years ago

    How do you force a target list in Suite to push to a segment in Mautic? Sorry, can't find any information in your documentation on this function...

    • eVolpe member avatar

      eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

      6 years ago


      When you open detail view of Target List there is a button 'synchronize this target list' on the top.

  5. MartyP member avatar

    Business Fundamentals

    6 years ago

    Hi, I can see NO button in the Detail view of a particular target list, please see the image with both the Actions menu and Target lists menus open

    I have recently run the eVolpe reSynch routine and have noted SOME marketing activities are being downloaded into my Suite installation... We have approx 2000 records in Suite, do you have any idea on the time frame it might take for that process to complete so I can do a more exhaustive check?


  6. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    6 years ago


    We noticed that you have customized Target List module. Your customization overrided our, with "Synchronize this TargetList" action button. We can help you to merge your customization with our. Please choose a way of help: - we can send you code to paste in your specific file - you can send us specific file and then we send it back to you with merged code Please contact us at this email address:

    Reffering to your 2000 records reintegration in SuiteCRM, it may take few hours, because it depends not only on Prospects/Leads/Contacts, but their Mautic activities too. When reintegration ends, a file /upload/mautic_reports/YYYY_MM_DD_hh_mm_mautic_resynchronization_report.csv should be generated (YYYY_MM_DD_hh_mm - datetime of generating file).

    • MartyP member avatar

      Business Fundamentals

      6 years ago

      OK, great, thanks for your replies. Can you send me the custom code and instructions to integrate please?

  7. MartyP member avatar

    Business Fundamentals

    6 years ago

    RE your previous reply, there is NO mautic_reports folder in the upload folder and no files with mautic_resynchronization_report.csv as part of their name. I have manually created the folder and will see if the report is created after running the resynch again

  8. MartyP member avatar

    Business Fundamentals

    6 years ago

    It appears that from the job ran last night (resynch) only the 1 record had it's marketing activities downloaded/synched. As per prev answers, I am currently running the resynch job again and will see if the csv file is created in the newly created mautic_reports folder

  9. MartyP member avatar

    Business Fundamentals

    6 years ago

    I have had a look in the Marketing Campaigns module in Suite and there are 444 activities in there that are NOT related to any record, Email Sent, Email Read, Click Link. 1 record is related..

  10. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    6 years ago

    By thanking to you, we found Mautic Bug: an empty asset downloads. We had to handle this case in our Mautic integrator plugin, and we done it in new version: 3.9.96. We recommend download and install this newest version.

    • MartyP member avatar

      Business Fundamentals

      6 years ago

      Thanks for your feedback. To implement the fix should I delete the evolpe plugin folder from my mautic plugins directory, upload your updated plugin and within mautic do the update plugins action, delete the app/cache/prod folder and then set a new, resynch job in suite? Also, can you please send me the code and instructions for implementing the synch target list menu option... I have sent an email to the address you specified but have not received a reply

  11. MartyP member avatar

    Business Fundamentals

    6 years ago

    Sorry, just received an email reply to the TL problem

  12. MartyP member avatar

    Business Fundamentals

    6 years ago

    Sorry, just read your full email. I'll implement changes as you have outlined and get back to you with the outcome :=]

  13. MartyP member avatar

    Business Fundamentals

    6 years ago

    I have installed the new plugin in Mautic and followed the other instructions in your email. It appears at the moment that MORE contacts are receiving their linked Marketing Activities records in Sugar. The reSynch has only been running for a short time so I will post further developments later. RE the missing menu entry, it was the fault of another module overriding the detailviewdefs.php file

    Thanks for your time and patience

  14. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    6 years ago

    Thanks for the answer. You should install the new version of our Mautic Integrator plug-in according to the instructions on page:

  15. MartyP member avatar

    Business Fundamentals

    6 years ago

    Hi, we've been attempting to sync a new Target List from Suite to Mautic. It appears to be stuck in the Synchronization in Progress state and has not created a new segment in Mautic.... I have installed the most recent versions of your plugin and module thanks for your assistance...

  16. MartyP member avatar

    Business Fundamentals

    6 years ago

    Have also noted after the upgrade/update of your plugin (Mautic to Suite) that there are still quite a few records in Mautic whose Marketing Activities have NOT been synched.... the MarketingActivities CRON job appears to be firing as expected.

  17. MartyP member avatar

    Business Fundamentals

    6 years ago

    Hey, created a new Contact in Mautic, created a new Contact in SuitCRM that matched the Mautic contact (same email address) Checked the CRON logs for the eVolpe sync job and got the following output. Could you tell me why the Count is 0??? Surely the Count should be at least 1 (the newly created record) Your plugin should then connect to SuiteCRM and see if there is a record with the same email address, if found, update that record??? In the same vein, if I HAD NOT created the Contact in SuiteCRM manually, would your plugin have PUSHED that record to SuiteCRM?

    EVolpe Sync Start Mautic\PluginBundle\Helper\IntegrationHelper MauticPlugin\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\Integration\EVolpeMarketingAutomationIntegration MauticPlugin\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\Api\EVolpeMarketingAutomationApi Count: 0

  18. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    6 years ago


    we want to organize teleconference with your screen sharing to recognize and help you with your issues. We will contact you by email message.

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