Login Track helps you track how regularly your staff is logging in to SuiteCRM along with the environment they use.
#5391 - PHP Fatal error
Im getting loads of "PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Non-static method SugarOutfitters_API::get_default_payload() cannot be called statically..." could you help please
Other add-ons of interest
log track
login track
login tracking
login tracker
user login tracking
track user login
user login history
user tracking
user login activity
login track suitecrm
user activity
summary report
Track Login
Track Date &Time
Track IP Address
Track Browser
Track OS
log tracker
log tracking
log trackable
log trace
log monitoring
login traces
login tracer
active login
successful login
captures remote IP addresses
monitoring login events
login audit
login track management
login track module
login track plugin
login action
login trackview
suitecrm module
Server log
Browser log suitecrm
user activity logger
user activity tracking report
suitecrm login tracker
suitecrm login reporting
Track Devises information including screen resolut
time tracker
8 months ago
Hi Mike,
Could you please confirm the version of SuiteCRM you are currently using and the version of the plug-in you have downloaded to install? This information will help us resolve the issue you are facing more effectively.
Regards, Helfertech
8 months ago
Hi, its 7.14.2. and its version 2.0, I tried installing 2.1 and it failed
8 months ago
Hi Mike,
We have thoroughly tested the plug-in on our end, and it is functioning correctly. To further investigate the issue you are experiencing. Can you please send the screenshot of the error? This information will help us in resolving the issue you are facing more effectively.
Regards, Helfertech