Configure specific fields from specific modules and set formats like character limit, numeric, or alphanumeric and more for certain fields using Format Builder.
#3151 - Fatal error
When i check suitecrm log, there is an error which is
Thu Oct 15 08:35:45 2020 [10473][1][FATAL] Mysqli_query failed. Thu Oct 15 08:35:45 2020 [10473][1][FATAL] Query Failed: SELECT FROM VIFormatBuilderLicenseAddon b LEFT JOIN aod_indexevent ie ON (ie.record_id = AND ie.record_module = 'VIFormatBuilderLicenseAddon') WHERE b.deleted = 0 AND ( IS NULL OR ie.date_modified < b.date_modified) ORDER BY b.date_modified ASC LIMIT 0,500: MySQL error 1146: Table 'crm.VIFormatBuilderLicenseAddon' doesn't exist
VIFormatBuilderLicenseAddon tabke doesn't exist?
4 years ago
When you have got this error?
During addon installation/adding License Key/Using Format Builder addon?
Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD
4 years ago
When i repair. from settings.
4 years ago
Every 13 minutes :(
4 years ago
I think you didn't installed latest version of our addon. Latest Version is for SuiteCRM 7.11 Version which is covers your issue.
If you have old version of our Addon then you can run below query in your Database and it'll create viformatbuilderlicenseaddon Table .
char(36) NOT NULL,name
varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,date_entered
datetime DEFAULT NULL,date_modified
datetime DEFAULT NULL,modified_user_id
char(36) DEFAULT NULL,created_by
char(36) DEFAULT NULL,description
tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0',assigned_user_id
char(36) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD
4 years ago
Thank you, I installed latest version. But same fatal error
4 years ago
The table was created in DB;
4 years ago
is it possible to share your CRM Credentials, FTP Details and Database Access if you don't mind?
If yes then please share us on "" and you will get quick solution.
We have checked on our server and we didn't faced this problem.
Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD
3 years ago
Hope your issue has been resolved.
Currently We're closing this Case.
Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD