by Urdhva Tech

Find Duplicates BEFORE You Save! Instead of waiting until after you enter a new record's information to know if it's a duplicate, know after the first field if you're working on a duplicate. Say NO to redundant data! Improve your SuiteCRM data quality by being prompted of duplicate values while creating new records.

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#4587 - Cannot edit view

Closed Bug? created by raymond1 Verified Purchase 2 years ago

Hi, after install the module, selected Contacts in configuration page, however, click on the edit view, no response and found error in the browser inspector as attached, can help? thanks a lot!


  1. urdhvatech member avatar

    Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

    2 years ago

    Thank you for using our add-on. It seems an issue with file permission. Can you please verify file permission and ownership of the newly added directory?

    Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech

  2. raymond1 member avatar

    raymond1 Verified Purchase

    2 years ago

    Thats OK, but how can I add more than 1 module checking?

    • urdhvatech member avatar

      Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

      2 years ago

      You can check for duplicates on the same module. If you want duplicate detector to be supported on different module then there is a setting in the admin page for that.

      Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech

  3. raymond1 member avatar

    raymond1 Verified Purchase

    2 years ago


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