Find Duplicates BEFORE You Save! Instead of waiting until after you enter a new record's information to know if it's a duplicate, know after the first field if you're working on a duplicate. Say NO to redundant data! Improve your SuiteCRM data quality by being prompted of duplicate values while creating new records.
So your CRM application has some duplicated records. This means your system means misguiding your users and providing misleading information, which in the end causes you to make wrong decisions and look bad.
When you have thousands of Accounts in your application, it's tough to know if the new account you're creating is unique and new without going through the entire process of creating a new record. And only then do you find that it may be a duplicate.
If you've experienced these issues, Duplicate Detector is exactly what you need. As you fill in data when creating records, you will be shown if a duplicate or similar record exists

Duplicate Detector is smart enough to find duplicate or similar records in many situations

DupDetector also checks the duplication on the Email Address. While user set the duplicate check on the email at that time duplication on the Email Address will be checked independently other than in-conjunction of other fields.

Duplicate Detector for SuiteCRM works on any existing or custom field of type varchar, name or phone. It prompts the user if the value has already been used while they are creating records in the edit view or quick create mode. It can be configured to prevent record from being saved or only popup notification prompting duplication.
About Urdhva Tech
Urdhva Tech is a leading provider of SuiteCRM Consulting, Implementation, Training and Customization services located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat India. At Urdhva Tech, we continuously endeavor to deliver world class SuiteCRM Development services that help develop a competitive advantage for your business. We have amongst us, some of the best SuiteCRM Developers having sole experience of 7+ Years on SugarCRM, who can help you in streamlining business processes and reducing operational overheads. Our services are not only cost-effective but also best in terms of quality.