Find Duplicates BEFORE You Save! Instead of waiting until after you enter a new record's information to know if it's a duplicate, know after the first field if you're working on a duplicate. Say NO to redundant data! Improve your SuiteCRM data quality by being prompted of duplicate values while creating new records.
#4104 - When two or more fields are added to check from the same module, it only shows the tooltip with the duplicate record in one of the fields.
Good afternoon,
When two or more fields are added to check from the same module, it only shows the tooltip with the duplicate record in one of the fields. In the php_errors.log file it shows the following message:
[02-Feb-2022 11:52:12 UCT] PHP Notice: Undefined index: view in \suitecrm\modules\Dupdetector\check_dup.php on line 18
3 years ago
We have resolved the issue and uploaded the latest package. Please download and install it. Remove the browser cache before a test.
Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech.