by Blackant Solutions

Drag N Drop module helps CRM users to create new Documents and relate it to that specific record just by dropping the files into Drag N Drop sidebar widget. The user can upload multiple files at a time. Using Drag and Drop, users can create and relate a document in 2 – 3 seconds which usually take more than 15 seconds.

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#3986 - Limitations for Drag N Drop

Closed General Question created by Usama 3 years ago

Hi, Can you please confirm the limitations of the Drag N Drop add-on?

  1. Is there a file size limit?
  2. What is the maximum number of files to be uploaded at once?
  3. What are the acceptable file types?
  1. blackant member avatar

    Blackant Solutions Provider

    3 years ago

    Hi, Please find the answers below,

    1. Is there a file size limit? No limitations added from our end. Limit based on this Sugar config file - "upload_maxsize"

    2. What is the maximum number of files to be uploaded at once? No limitations added from our end. Limit based on this PHP configuration - "max_file_uploads"

    3. What are the acceptable file types? There are no restrictions here as well. We are using SuiteCRM's default function to upload the document. It will check this variable "upload_badext" from the config.php file (php, php5 etc...). If extension founds, then it changes the file name to .txt

    Thanks, Raj

    • Hafiz_Usama member avatar


      3 years ago

      Thank you so much :)


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