by Blackant Solutions

Drag N Drop module helps CRM users to create new Documents and relate it to that specific record just by dropping the files into Drag N Drop sidebar widget. The user can upload multiple files at a time. Using Drag and Drop, users can create and relate a document in 2 – 3 seconds which usually take more than 15 seconds.

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#2498 - Drop files widget not found

Closed Bug? created by pjyoti562 5 years ago

we don't see "drop files" widget for the drag and drop addon at the accounts module. we already enabled the module from the admin configurations.

  1. blackant member avatar

    Blackant Solutions Provider

    5 years ago

    Hi, Can we have a team viewer session? If not possible, can you create a CRM credential for me and share it to this email - I will check and let you know.


  2. blackant member avatar

    Blackant Solutions Provider

    5 years ago

    Hi Jyoti, Can you share the details to

  3. pjyoti562 member avatar


    5 years ago

    Hi Can I give you now ?

  4. pjyoti562 member avatar


    5 years ago

    Thanks for the help :).. Its Working good now

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