A complete SuiteCRM and Docusign integration which allows us to quickly pull data from SuiteCRM modules like Account, Contact, Lead, Prospect, User, Quote and Contract and then send them out for signature directly from SuiteCRM. The signed document's fields are then returned to SuiteCRM and attached to the corresponding SuiteCRM records. The signed documents are returned to SuiteCRM and attached to the document envelope.
#2183 - Undefined Index
When running cron.php manually when it runs the 'Update DocuSign document status' task, I get a PHP notice. All seems to work just making sure there isn't an invisible issue.
PHP Notice: Undefined index: ds_field in /var/www/suitecrm/production/releases/20190820214342/modules/UT_DocuSign/library/UT_DocuSignClient.php on line 1526
5 years ago
It should be fine, won't have any issues in using the addon. However, I will get this covered in the next version
Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech