Display Namesunfinity
Member SinceJune 27th, 2019
Last SeenAugust 22nd, 2019
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Support August 22nd, 2019 @ 10:04 pm
Issue solved. The 3 templates I had in production I exported from my initial docusiogn "sandbox" (which is a .json file). After talking to tech support more today, apparently there is a bug in the exported .json file that when imported, causes it to ignore these authentication settings. So I had to delete all of my templates and re-create them from scratch in production. And again, in the admin->settings I do now have mobile timeout > 0 which enabled the save button and I have authentication set to 'Disable recipient authentication for this account'. Now all signers are not bothered by this ID check feature.
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Support August 22nd, 2019 @ 8:51 pm
As of an hour ago my settings were 'Any Recipient must authenticate on every envelope sent from this account', and when I toggle to the middle option like yours, or disabled, or change anything on the page the save button is greyed out, so any changes I make a cannot save. BUT I just found the bug in their system. Its the 'Mobile App Session Timeout (minutes) ' setting. Mine was set to 0 and if its 0 the save button is greyed out. If I set it to > 0 all of the sudden the save button works. Odd even their tech support after hours couldn't figure that out. So now I changed the setting to 'Disable recipient authentication for this account'. I have re made templates and re-sent them both directly from docusign and from the CRM and they STILL ask for the ID check and make signer enter all those questions. Seems like yet another bug in their system. Its disabled in the UI now, but not really disabled :( I found this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42583973/how-to-disable-docusign-id-check-during-signing which someone states because of the "Basic API Plan" you have to contact customer support to disable...but again called them for an hour, they couldn't figure out how to do it. Bummer.
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Support August 22nd, 2019 @ 1:40 pm
I created the Docusign account, so I am the only user with full admin. My save button is greyed out on 3 different browsers (so probably not a browser specific JS bug on their side). Called docusign for hours before I send this ticket, they said it was "probably" because we use the "Basic API Plan" therefore those settings are controlled by the developer...but honestly I think there is a bug in their Web UI somehow. Interesting that you can change the 3 settings and click save. Are you using the "Basic API Plan" or a higher package?
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Support July 31st, 2019 @ 4:03 pm
This sandbox has been enabled for about 2 weeks now, with just those 3 test docs, and my SuiteCRM uploads/deleted folder has 400k files in it totaling 22GB, every single one is the exact same 3 PDF docs from your plugin.
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