by Urdhva Tech

A complete SuiteCRM and Docusign integration which allows us to quickly pull data from SuiteCRM modules like Account, Contact, Lead, Prospect, User, Quote and Contract and then send them out for signature directly from SuiteCRM. The signed document's fields are then returned to SuiteCRM and attached to the corresponding SuiteCRM records. The signed documents are returned to SuiteCRM and attached to the document envelope.

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#2182 - Recipient Authentication

Closed General Question created by sunfinity 5 years ago

I have a basic API docusign plan, I have passed their sandbox test and have my production working with 3 templates. When suite sends out a Docusign to the recipient, they are required to enter a series of questions to prove they are who they say they are. Questions like address, last 6 of SSN and multiple choice questions like where did you last live etc...their doc is here I want to disable this feature so as not to inconvenience my customers. If I goto DocuSign Admin->Security Settings there is an "Account Security" section where I can set one of 3 "Recipient Authentication Settings", one of them being "Disable recipient authentication for this account". However I cannot change any setting on this page (the save button is always greyed out). I called Docusign support and they said this is because I am using an "API Account" and this option cannot be changed globally, but must come from the developer side. I am assuming this is an option when connecting to Docusign APIs (aka, your PHP plugin)... Sound familiar? Do you know of any such option? If this is truely an API level request parameter then the ability to toggle on/off per template in your plugin would be beneficial. Either way Docusign support kept saying its a developer level setting so I assume this would be handled on your plugin side.

  1. urdhvatech member avatar

    Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago


    I checked the Admin->Security Settings -> "Account Security" section and can change the settings there and save. The changing of setting gets saved and the plugin works according to the setting. I enabled "Any recipient must authenticate on every envelope sent from this account". Then Sent the template from CRM the recipient was asked for the Questions like address, last 6 of SSN Then I choose "Disable recipient authentication for this account" It sent CRM template and the recipient was not asked any question, he directly saw the template to sign.

    I Believe you should be able to change the settings. As per the settings plugin works. Can you verify if you have the Admin access of DocuSign with the permission to change those settings? The addon works as per the settings done on DocuSign for authentification settings. If you have any questions, you can get in touch with us over skype, our skype id is: urdhvatech

    Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech

  2. it14 member avatar


    5 years ago

    I created the Docusign account, so I am the only user with full admin. My save button is greyed out on 3 different browsers (so probably not a browser specific JS bug on their side). Called docusign for hours before I send this ticket, they said it was "probably" because we use the "Basic API Plan" therefore those settings are controlled by the developer...but honestly I think there is a bug in their Web UI somehow. Interesting that you can change the 3 settings and click save. Are you using the "Basic API Plan" or a higher package?

    • urdhvatech member avatar

      Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

      5 years ago

      I am using the sandbox developer account so might have all the rights. But we have other clients using the plugin, haven't heard this issue from them. I feel this needs to be investigated. Can you come over skype so we can discuss? skype id: urdhvatech

  3. urdhvatech member avatar

    Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    I read on the documentation that when it can be optional and when it can be required.

    Optional or required

    By default, recipient authentication is not required; when you send an envelope, you choose whether or not to apply this feature.

    However, your DocuSign administrator can choose to impose stricter requirements and require all recipients to pass an authentication check before they can access and sign on any documents sent from the account. (See Security Settings for more information.) If authentication is required for your account, when you send envelopes you will need to add one of the identity authentication methods (phone, SMS, or knowledge-based) for each recipient.

    Looking at the above description I feel your settings impose stricter requirements for the recipients to authenticate.

    Below image shows my settings, Can you show what are yours?


    It would be better if we can get in touch over skype for quick communication.

  4. it14 member avatar


    5 years ago

    As of an hour ago my settings were 'Any Recipient must authenticate on every envelope sent from this account', and when I toggle to the middle option like yours, or disabled, or change anything on the page the save button is greyed out, so any changes I make a cannot save. BUT I just found the bug in their system. Its the 'Mobile App Session Timeout (minutes) ' setting. Mine was set to 0 and if its 0 the save button is greyed out. If I set it to > 0 all of the sudden the save button works. Odd even their tech support after hours couldn't figure that out. So now I changed the setting to 'Disable recipient authentication for this account'. I have re made templates and re-sent them both directly from docusign and from the CRM and they STILL ask for the ID check and make signer enter all those questions. Seems like yet another bug in their system. Its disabled in the UI now, but not really disabled :( I found this which someone states because of the "Basic API Plan" you have to contact customer support to disable...but again called them for an hour, they couldn't figure out how to do it. Bummer.

  5. it14 member avatar


    5 years ago

    Issue solved. The 3 templates I had in production I exported from my initial docusiogn "sandbox" (which is a .json file). After talking to tech support more today, apparently there is a bug in the exported .json file that when imported, causes it to ignore these authentication settings. So I had to delete all of my templates and re-create them from scratch in production. And again, in the admin->settings I do now have mobile timeout > 0 which enabled the save button and I have authentication set to 'Disable recipient authentication for this account'. Now all signers are not bothered by this ID check feature.

  6. urdhvatech member avatar

    Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Good to know that it got resolved. Do let me know if you have any questions.

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