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#5144 - Cannot remove from system

Closed Bug? created by mark13 a year ago

Removed module via module loader yet still persists in sending SQL queries. It's giving me errors relating to missing beans.

Any guidance on how to totally purge this module?

Screenshot 2023-12-13 160448.png

  1. shad member avatar

    Jackal Software Provider Affiliate

    a year ago

    Hello. These tables are not from the Dashboad Copy Manager. All of the tables for this add-on start with jckl_.

    I am familiar with the add-on that creates these tables, however. I believe this is an open-source add-on that is not in the SuiteCRM store. You can see the repository here. Either this add-on was not uninstalled or uninstalling these files did not fully remove all of the files.

    If you need help with this feel free to let me know and I would be happy to take a look. I would have to charge but I do not believe it would take more than a few hours.

    Thank you very much


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