by Brainvire Infotech Pvt. Ltd

Now you can check your team’s work without disturbing them. Sudo Login for SuiteCRM enables Admin users to log in to any of their team members’ CRM accounts without asking for the credentials or causing disruption to productivity.

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#4053 - Working with CAS

Closed General Question created by Ertan Gencer Verified Purchase 2 years ago

Hello, Is it working with CAS?

  1. BrainvireInfotech member avatar

    Brainvire Infotech Pvt. Ltd Provider Affiliate

    2 years ago

    Hey Customer,

    Yes you can try it.

    Thank you.

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  • "This add-on really usable and good. Every admin user should have it. Support is also good. I advise you." - Ertan Gencer

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