Redian Pro Theme is a completely responsive topic dependent on the most recent Bootstrap that accompanies incredible look and feel. This subject offers topic style manufacturer, ground-breaking highlights and progressive UI, portable responsive structure, gorgeous detail view, alter view, List view and so forth.
#5436 - Not working with SuiteCRM 7.14.3
Hello, we have recently upgraded to SuiteCRM Version 7.14.3, and we are now facing issues with the template. According to the log, there is an issue with {php} tags. Could you please help us with that issue?
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8 months ago
Hi, Let us check the highlighted issue.
Thanks, Redian Software...
7 months ago
Hi, when can we expect you to get back to us?
7 months ago
Hi, the Issue has been resolved and now you can download the updated build.
Thanks, Redian Support Team...
6 months ago
Hey, I bought the theme back in 2020, and we updated SuiteCRM to Version 7.14.3, but the theme stopped working. Any solutions?