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#3815 - Can not select a user to add to a role
Hello, When we're in Role management, and we want to add a user to a role, once we checked the box in front of the user, we click on Select but nothing happens - and the user is not added to the role. We are using Google Chrome. Please advise, Thank you, Louis
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3 years ago
Could you please share the screenshot, because in there is no as such restriction or issue.
3 years ago
The Select button is not working - we can click on it but nothing happens.
3 years ago
can you please check if composer is updated and there is no js conflict.
3 years ago
Are you taking about the SuiteCRM composer ?
Here's the error that Chrome's console provides :
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input at eval () at sugar_grp1.js?v=0KV0MBqAkgQ4x30vjp-eNA:428 at Object.globalEval (sugar_grp1.js?v=0KV0MBqAkgQ4x30vjp-eNA:428) at send_back_selected (popup_helper.js?v=0KV0MBqAkgQ4x30vjp-eNA:56) at HTMLInputElement.onclick (index.php:315)
3 years ago
If possible, can you please come on remote, so that we can take a look if it is a theme or something else? We never got this issue. email is
3 years ago
Thank you for the patience, actually it took more than expected time because it was SuiteCRM issue. In Version 7.11.19 ( version that you use), this issue was reported-
That they have fixed it and also updated in next version. You can simply fix it by making these changes in include/utills.php file as given here