Redian Pro Theme is a completely responsive topic dependent on the most recent Bootstrap that accompanies incredible look and feel. This subject offers topic style manufacturer, ground-breaking highlights and progressive UI, portable responsive structure, gorgeous detail view, alter view, List view and so forth.
#3341 - Issue with install
HI WOuld appreciate your assistance on this Install Gets to 70% and stays there Display Log Installing Language Packs Installing layoutdefs extension Installing vardefs extension Rebuilding ActionViewMap... Rebuilding ActionFileMap... Rebuilding ActionReMap... Rebuilding Administration... Rebuilding EntryPointRegistry... Rebuilding Extensions... Rebuilding FileAccessControlMap... Rebuilding Layoutdefs... Rebuilding GlobalLinks... Rebuilding LogicHooks... Rebuilding Menus... Rebuilding Include... Rebuilding ScheduledTasks... Rebuilding UserPage... Rebuilding Utils... Rebuilding Vardefs... Rebuilding JSGroupings... Rebuilding Actions... Removing SuiteCRM Dashlets cache and scanning known directories for SuiteCRM Dashlet files.
SuiteCRM Dashlets cache file rebuilt.Installing Relationships Rebuilding Vardefs... Rebuilding Layoutdefs... Database failure. Please refer to suitecrm.log for details.
Suitecrm log Wed Jan 13 16:45:37 2021 [6152][10203e4c-31e6-dc81-c231-5cdd6abfaca8][FATAL] Error altering column(s) jjwg_maps_lat on table: jjwg_markers: Query Failed: ALTER TABLE jjwg_markers DROP CONSTRAINT DF__jjwg_mark__jjwg___7D3A4473 ALTER TABLE jjwg_markers ALTER COLUMN [jjwg_maps_lat] float(10) NULL ALTER TABLE jjwg_markers ADD DEFAULT '0.00000000' FOR jjwg_maps_lat ::: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]'DF__jjwg_mark__jjwg___7D3A4473' is not a constraint. [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Could not drop constraint. See previous errors. Wed Jan 13 16:45:37 2021 [6152][10203e4c-31e6-dc81-c231-5cdd6abfaca8][FATAL] Exception handling in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\CRM\SMECCRM_Sandbox\include\MVC\Controller\SugarController.php:400 Wed Jan 13 16:45:37 2021 [6152][10203e4c-31e6-dc81-c231-5cdd6abfaca8][FATAL] Exception in Controller: Database failure. Please refer to suitecrm.log for details. Wed Jan 13 16:45:37 2021 [6152][10203e4c-31e6-dc81-c231-5cdd6abfaca8][FATAL] backtrace:
4 years ago
Even though it git stuck on 70% install, i was able to add the license key. The went to admin/themes and swithced the theme. It now give the message "Database failure". I have repaired multiple times
4 years ago
Hi, Which database you are using for that CRM?.
4 years ago
4 years ago
We have tested on SuiteCRM version 7.11.18 and MySQL version 5.0.2. It seems fine. Could you share more details with us. So we can do more investigation?