by Redian Software

Redian Pro Theme is a completely responsive topic dependent on the most recent Bootstrap that accompanies incredible look and feel. This subject offers topic style manufacturer, ground-breaking highlights and progressive UI, portable responsive structure, gorgeous detail view, alter view, List view and so forth.

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#3171 - Adapting a sub theme

Closed Feature created by davidmakrucki 4 years ago


we are trying to adapt the default "Dawn" sub-theme to our needs. We want to change a couple of colors and would like to the the according variables for Bootstrap. In our sub-theme folder there are a couple of files:

  • color-palette.scss
  • icons.scss
  • style.css
  • style.scss
  • variables.scss

We know how to deal with Boostrap and with SCSS. We try to re-compile the style.css as follows:

sass -I path/to/themes/Redian/css/ style.scss style.css

First, there was an error with the paths. We have solved this by using the -I flag. However, the resulting style.css differs from the original style.css. There seems to be some styles missing. As a result, the UI is totally broken. Could you please explain how we can re-compile a sub-theme?

Thanks, Dennis

  1. rediansoftware member avatar

    Redian Software Provider

    4 years ago

    Hi, If you want to add some CSS or change the colors. You can use the path: custom/themes/Redian/css/Dawn/style.css

  2. davidmakrucki member avatar


    4 years ago

    Hi, thank you. However, I want to re-compile the whole theme with some variables changed. For example:

    $primary: #121212; $danger: #232323; $danger-hover: #343434;

    How can I do that?

  3. davidmakrucki member avatar


    4 years ago

    Besides, please have a look at #3154 again. The tickets is marked as closed, but our problem is not yet solved. Thanks.

  4. rediansoftware member avatar

    Redian Software Provider

    4 years ago

    Hi, Try to use the SCSS builder to generate CSS. That will help you.

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