Redian Pro Theme is a completely responsive topic dependent on the most recent Bootstrap that accompanies incredible look and feel. This subject offers topic style manufacturer, ground-breaking highlights and progressive UI, portable responsive structure, gorgeous detail view, alter view, List view and so forth.
#3078 - demo link does not work
Hello There, 1-) 19 .Demo Details Click here for demo one-) this link is not working another question. 2-) '' 3. Main Menu Navigation panel on left side '' Can you set main menu navigation on top instead of left menu? So Main Menu Navigation panel on Top Side? Best Regards
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4 years ago
Hello, 1. We are looking into demo is not working issues. will let you know, when It will be back. 2. We can change the navigation menu from left to top. For this, we have to discuss over the e-mail with proper requirements and e-mail id is and
4 years ago
Hello, The demo URL is working now. You can check it know. Feel free to contact us if you need any assistance from us.