by Blackant Solutions

Customer Portal for SuiteCRM helps your company create and maintain a standalone portal for your customers, enabling them to log in and use your services, complete required tasks, keep track of support cases and many other functions.

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#2823 - Can't get custom groups to show in the drop down

Closed Bug? created by mattmcbride 4 years ago

I created a new drop down and added 4 group types in the Studio. I only have the option to choose Default in either of the tabs.

  1. blackant member avatar

    Blackant Solutions Provider

    4 years ago

    When you install the module, we create a new dropdown field - "Customer group" in the Contacts module. You can add new values to that Dropdown. Added values reflect in the Portal settings. If you need any help, we can have a screen sharing session via TeamViewer. I can help you configure the add-on.

    • mattmcbride member avatar


      4 years ago

      It created the Customer Group Field, but not a drop down data set. I had to create that and assigned to the Customer group field.

    • blackant member avatar

      Blackant Solutions Provider

      4 years ago

      Yes. That is how you should create the values. I just now tested that functionality in my demo server and it works fine. Is it possible to share your screen via TeamViewer or Skype? You can mail the details to

  2. mattmcbride member avatar


    4 years ago

    Just downloaded TeamViewer but not sure how it work or if IT will pass it.

    • blackant member avatar

      Blackant Solutions Provider

      4 years ago

      Send me your TeamViewer password and ID to my email. You can able to see that when you open the team viewer. I can able to connect to your machine using that.

  3. blackant member avatar

    Blackant Solutions Provider

    4 years ago

    The issue found and fixed. The dropdown list should be created from Studio and not from the Dropdown Editor.

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