by Ideadunes

Add the ability to not only upload multiple files, but also the ability to preview different file types right from inside SuiteCRM. Supports many file types such as PDF, Word Docs, TXT, PNG, JPG, and more.

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#2011 - Bulk Document Uploader

Open Feature created by ThamsanqaZwane 5 years ago

Good Day Support

I am testing Bulk Uploader , I'm trying import 100 document and link them to existing module records in suitecrm. I am winning how can I achieve this?

Regards, Thamsanqa Zwane

  1. NiketGupta member avatar

    Ideadunes Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Hi Thamsanqa,

    This solution is a datatype via which you can add a field in a module and while creating a record you can drag-drop or multi-select documents/files/images etc and choose the default, rename, remove them.

    So you can upload multiple documents in one record at a time.

    If you want to upload multiple docs and link them to the related record than you can just update the image name in the column in database record in which that field is to be linked manually.

    Or we can implement a way for you to map the same so that it asks you to select the related image/document to a particular record of a module.

    Can you provide your business scenario and will come up with a solution/suggestion on the same.

    Let me know a good time to connect and discuss.

    Please feel free to reach out to me.

    Thanks Niket Gupta Skype: niket.gupta51 Phone/WhatsApp: +917709399141

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