Display Namenetops
Member SinceOctober 31st, 2016
Last SeenJanuary 8th, 2025
netops does not have any add-ons for sale.
Support November 21st, 2024 @ 10:52 am
There are Other Issues too. The folder in custom path, biz_FLA, it has classes that has OLD code which is Throwing Error when we go to Opportunities and Print PDF or any other Module with PDF. This is stopping us to use the Module Further. Please update the Code on Store as soon as possible since its no longer compatible with the Latest 7.14.x code.
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Support November 21st, 2024 @ 4:56 am
Hello The core changes for the Files in FLA has changed the Views. Its something like this Now.
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Support June 29th, 2020 @ 7:13 pm
I stand corrected, I looked again at the user and he had another group that allowed it assigned. I missed that. After removing the offending group it did as you stated! Brilliant!
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Support June 29th, 2020 @ 7:11 pm
I tried your suggestion however even after setting them all to NONE, it still allows the user to select ANY security group. (Lists and shows all sec groups)
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Support June 26th, 2020 @ 8:28 pm
Also the role changing of edit permissions to NONE has no effect either. it renders the module and is easily bypassed by anyone since it allows select and it allows them to make a record a member of any sec group they want! Only way is to disable access altogether but then you have no idea what sec group the record is in.. ??..!! ??
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Support June 9th, 2020 @ 6:51 pm
No response after email sent as well, also called and left voicemail but no response, maybe support for this product is no longer available? I ended up hiring a developer to address these issues.
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Support April 15th, 2020 @ 5:54 pm
trying to understand where the card change functions are addressed. There is actually a drop handling function supported by the jQuery library, wanting to ask the location on where those events are handled.
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Support November 2nd, 2016 @ 1:58 pm
Works Now, I added it to the config file. It was a clean install of the latest SuiteCRM downloaded yesterday @ v7.7.6 (according to the about), I purchased the v7.7.5 Security Suite Module Full ver as well and it validated correctly. After adding 'suitecrm_version' => '7.7.6', directly under the sugar_version and it validated this time successfully!
I looked in the config table in SQL and it states the following:
|sugar_version | 6.5.24
Im posting the suitecrm config as well (again, clean install, installed security suite then the workflow. ) :
<?php // created: 2016-10-31 18:20:45 $sugar_config = array ( 'admin_access_control' => false, 'admin_export_only' => false, 'cache_dir' => 'cache/', 'calculate_response_time' => true, 'calendar' => array ( 'default_view' => 'week', 'show_calls_by_default' => true, 'show_tasks_by_default' => true, 'show_completed_by_default' => true, 'editview_width' => 990, 'editview_height' => 485, 'day_timestep' => 15, 'week_timestep' => 30, 'items_draggable' => true, 'items_resizable' => true, 'enable_repeat' => true, 'max_repeat_count' => 1000, ), 'chartEngine' => 'Jit', 'common_ml_dir' => '', 'create_default_user' => false, 'cron' => array ( 'max_cron_jobs' => 10, 'max_cron_runtime' => 30, 'min_cron_interval' => 30, ), 'currency' => '', 'dashlet_display_row_options' => array ( 0 => '1', 1 => '3', 2 => '5', 3 => '10', ), 'date_formats' => array ( 'Y-m-d' => '2010-12-23', 'm-d-Y' => '12-23-2010', 'd-m-Y' => '23-12-2010', 'Y/m/d' => '2010/12/23', 'm/d/Y' => '12/23/2010', 'd/m/Y' => '23/12/2010', 'Y.m.d' => '2010.12.23', 'd.m.Y' => '23.12.2010', 'm.d.Y' => '12.23.2010', ), 'datef' => 'm/d/Y', 'dbconfig' => array ( 'db_host_name' => 'hostnamexxx', 'db_host_instance' => '', 'db_user_name' => 'xxxxxx', 'db_password' => 'xxxxxxx', 'db_name' => 'SuiteCRM', 'db_type' => 'mssql', 'db_port' => '', 'db_manager' => 'SqlsrvManager', ), 'dbconfigoption' => array ( 'persistent' => true, 'autofree' => false, 'debug' => 0, 'ssl' => false, ), 'default_action' => 'index', 'default_charset' => 'UTF-8', 'default_currencies' => array ( 'AUD' => array ( 'name' => 'Australian Dollars', 'iso4217' => 'AUD', 'symbol' => '$', ), 'BRL' => array ( 'name' => 'Brazilian Reais', 'iso4217' => 'BRL', 'symbol' => 'R$', ), 'GBP' => array ( 'name' => 'British Pounds', 'iso4217' => 'GBP', 'symbol' => '£', ), 'CAD' => array ( 'name' => 'Canadian Dollars', 'iso4217' => 'CAD', 'symbol' => '$', ), 'CNY' => array ( 'name' => 'Chinese Yuan', 'iso4217' => 'CNY', 'symbol' => '¥', ), 'EUR' => array ( 'name' => 'Euro', 'iso4217' => 'EUR', 'symbol' => '€', ), 'HKD' => array ( 'name' => 'Hong Kong Dollars', 'iso4217' => 'HKD', 'symbol' => '$', ), 'INR' => array ( 'name' => 'Indian Rupees', 'iso4217' => 'INR', 'symbol' => '₨', ), 'KRW' => array ( 'name' => 'Korean Won', 'iso4217' => 'KRW', 'symbol' => '₩', ), 'YEN' => array ( 'name' => 'Japanese Yen', 'iso4217' => 'JPY', 'symbol' => '¥', ), 'MXM' => array ( 'name' => 'Mexican Pesos', 'iso4217' => 'MXM', 'symbol' => '$', ), 'SGD' => array ( 'name' => 'Singaporean Dollars', 'iso4217' => 'SGD', 'symbol' => '$', ), 'CHF' => array ( 'name' => 'Swiss Franc', 'iso4217' => 'CHF', 'symbol' => 'SFr.', ), 'THB' => array ( 'name' => 'Thai Baht', 'iso4217' => 'THB', 'symbol' => '฿', ), 'USD' => array ( 'name' => 'US Dollars', 'iso4217' => 'USD', 'symbol' => '$', ), ), 'default_currency_iso4217' => 'USD', 'default_currency_name' => 'US Dollars', 'default_currency_significant_digits' => 2, 'default_currency_symbol' => '$', 'default_date_format' => 'm/d/Y', 'default_decimal_seperator' => '.', 'default_email_charset' => 'UTF-8', 'default_email_client' => 'sugar', 'default_email_editor' => 'html', 'default_export_charset' => 'UTF-8', 'default_language' => 'en_us', 'default_locale_name_format' => 's f l', 'default_max_tabs' => '7', 'default_module' => 'Home', 'default_navigation_paradigm' => 'gm', 'default_number_grouping_seperator' => ',', 'default_password' => '', 'default_permissions' => array ( 'dir_mode' => 1528, 'file_mode' => 493, 'user' => '', 'group' => '', ), 'default_subpanel_links' => false, 'default_subpanel_tabs' => true, 'default_swap_last_viewed' => false, 'default_swap_shortcuts' => false, 'default_theme' => 'SuiteP', 'default_time_format' => 'h:ia', 'default_user_is_admin' => false, 'default_user_name' => '', 'demoData' => 'no', 'disable_convert_lead' => false, 'disable_export' => false, 'disable_persistent_connections' => 'false', 'display_email_template_variable_chooser' => false, 'display_inbound_email_buttons' => false, 'dump_slow_queries' => false, 'email_address_separator' => ',', 'email_default_client' => 'sugar', 'email_default_delete_attachments' => true, 'email_default_editor' => 'html', 'enable_line_editing_detail' => true, 'enable_line_editing_list' => true, 'export_delimiter' => ',', 'export_excel_compatible' => false, 'hide_subpanels' => true, 'history_max_viewed' => 50, 'host_name' => 'csoweb1', 'import_max_execution_time' => 3600, 'import_max_records_per_file' => 100, 'import_max_records_total_limit' => '', 'installer_locked' => true, 'jobs' => array ( 'min_retry_interval' => 30, 'max_retries' => 5, 'timeout' => 86400, ), 'js_custom_version' => '', 'js_lang_version' => 1, 'languages' => array ( 'en_us' => 'English (US)', ), 'large_scale_test' => false, 'lead_conv_activity_opt' => 'donothing', 'list_max_entries_per_page' => 20, 'list_max_entries_per_subpanel' => 10, 'lock_default_user_name' => false, 'lock_homepage' => false, 'lock_subpanels' => false, 'log_dir' => '.', 'log_file' => 'suitecrm.log', 'log_memory_usage' => false, 'logger' => array ( 'level' => 'fatal', 'file' => array ( 'ext' => '.log', 'name' => 'suitecrm', 'dateFormat' => '%c', 'maxSize' => '10MB', 'maxLogs' => 10, 'suffix' => '', ), ), 'max_dashlets_homepage' => '15', 'name_formats' => array ( 's f l' => 's f l', 'f l' => 'f l', 's l' => 's l', 'l, s f' => 'l, s f', 'l, f' => 'l, f', 's l, f' => 's l, f', 'l s f' => 'l s f', 'l f s' => 'l f s', ), 'passwordsetting' => array ( 'SystemGeneratedPasswordON' => '', 'generatepasswordtmpl' => '', 'lostpasswordtmpl' => '', 'forgotpasswordON' => false, 'linkexpiration' => '1', 'linkexpirationtime' => '30', 'linkexpirationtype' => '1', 'systexpiration' => '0', 'systexpirationtime' => '', 'systexpirationtype' => '0', 'systexpirationlogin' => '', ), 'portal_view' => 'single_user', 'require_accounts' => true, 'resource_management' => array ( 'special_query_limit' => 50000, 'special_query_modules' => array ( 0 => 'Reports', 1 => 'Export', 2 => 'Import', 3 => 'Administration', 4 => 'Sync', ), 'default_limit' => 1000, ), 'rss_cache_time' => '10800', 'save_query' => 'all', 'search_wildcard_char' => '%', 'search_wildcard_infront' => false, 'session_dir' => '', 'showDetailData' => true, 'showThemePicker' => true, 'site_url' => 'http://csoweb1/SuiteCrm', 'slow_query_time_msec' => '100', 'sugar_version' => '7.7.6', 'sugarbeet' => 0, 'time_formats' => array ( 'H:i' => '23:00', 'h:ia' => '11:00pm', 'h:iA' => '11:00PM', 'h:i a' => '11:00 pm', 'h:i A' => '11:00 PM', 'H.i' => '23.00', 'h.ia' => '11.00pm', 'h.iA' => '11.00PM', 'h.i a' => '11.00 pm', 'h.i A' => '11.00 PM', ), 'timef' => 'H:i', 'tmp_dir' => 'cache/xml/', 'tracker_max_display_length' => 15, 'translation_string_prefix' => false, 'unique_key' => 'e35e52e59389bbf3496d8cc01d49b519', 'upload_badext' => array ( 0 => 'php', 1 => 'php3', 2 => 'php4', 3 => 'php5', 4 => 'pl', 5 => 'cgi', 6 => 'py', 7 => 'asp', 8 => 'cfm', 9 => 'js', 10 => 'vbs', 11 => 'html', 12 => 'htm', 13 => 'phtml', ), 'upload_dir' => 'upload/', 'upload_maxsize' => 30000000, 'use_common_ml_dir' => false, 'use_real_names' => true, 'vcal_time' => '2', 'verify_client_ip' => true, );
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Support November 1st, 2016 @ 11:58 pm
Its a clean install from scratch, not sugar at all, I have sugar pro running now and need to get away from it so we are testing suitecrm and it is a fresh install I assure you.
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Support November 1st, 2016 @ 7:17 pm
It is suiteCRM however the config says 'sugar_version' => '7.7.6', I think i typed 7.7.2 above inadvertantly. just saw that, my bad.
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Support November 1st, 2016 @ 3:55 pm
CMS_WorkflowManager1_3_0.zip was the file downloaded as it was the only one offered, and installed on fresh install of SuiteCRM V7.7.2
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September 29th, 2021 @ 5:59 pm
Excellent support and attentiveness to our business processes. Highly recommended!!! View Add-on
September 29th, 2021 @ 6:10 pm
Excellent support - Great Developer! I highly recommend this developer, plug in works great and he is very supportive with any issues or questions.! View Add-on
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