Creating individual workflow processes and define detailed automatization tasks for your CRM. Break out of the standard SuiteCRM workflow frame and extend your CRM with your very own, personal BI. No need of hiring external consultants doing your customizations; stop dealing with compatibility problems and communication issues that come with it. Save money and get done faster! Keep your CRM as it is meant to be, your CRM!
#110 - Addon not working - Says key not valid
Just purchased the Workflow module using this key: 409da65a5d4af37866b2185de73a1778 When I try to validate I getr a message saying that the key does not exist. SuiteCRM ver 7.7.6
8 years ago
What version from which store you purchased? There was already a similar issue about license validation few weeks ago.
8 years ago was the file downloaded as it was the only one offered, and installed on fresh install of SuiteCRM V7.7.2
8 years ago
Purch from SuiteCRM store. Order #: 451
8 years ago
do you have access to your running config? Please check, if there is a valid suite version entry given. There should be something like that: 'suitecrm_version' => '7.7.6',
8 years ago
It is suiteCRM however the config says 'sugar_version' => '7.7.6', I think i typed 7.7.2 above inadvertantly. just saw that, my bad.
8 years ago
Sugar_version is wrong! It mist be called suitecrm_version. Usually its an update bug done by switching to suite
8 years ago
Its a clean install from scratch, not sugar at all, I have sugar pro running now and need to get away from it so we are testing suitecrm and it is a fresh install I assure you.
8 years ago
Somone must have left that in the fork.
8 years ago
Just wanted to clarify that you need both sugar_version and suitecrm_version. sugar_version should be 6.5.24 and suitecrm_version should be 7.7.6. Once fixed you should be able to validate your license correctly.
8 years ago
thanks Jason! Does it work now for you?
8 years ago
Works Now, I added it to the config file. It was a clean install of the latest SuiteCRM downloaded yesterday @ v7.7.6 (according to the about), I purchased the v7.7.5 Security Suite Module Full ver as well and it validated correctly. After adding 'suitecrm_version' => '7.7.6', directly under the sugar_version and it validated this time successfully!
I looked in the config table in SQL and it states the following:
|sugar_version | 6.5.24
Im posting the suitecrm config as well (again, clean install, installed security suite then the workflow. ) :
<?php // created: 2016-10-31 18:20:45 $sugar_config = array ( 'admin_access_control' => false, 'admin_export_only' => false, 'cache_dir' => 'cache/', 'calculate_response_time' => true, 'calendar' => array ( 'default_view' => 'week', 'show_calls_by_default' => true, 'show_tasks_by_default' => true, 'show_completed_by_default' => true, 'editview_width' => 990, 'editview_height' => 485, 'day_timestep' => 15, 'week_timestep' => 30, 'items_draggable' => true, 'items_resizable' => true, 'enable_repeat' => true, 'max_repeat_count' => 1000, ), 'chartEngine' => 'Jit', 'common_ml_dir' => '', 'create_default_user' => false, 'cron' => array ( 'max_cron_jobs' => 10, 'max_cron_runtime' => 30, 'min_cron_interval' => 30, ), 'currency' => '', 'dashlet_display_row_options' => array ( 0 => '1', 1 => '3', 2 => '5', 3 => '10', ), 'date_formats' => array ( 'Y-m-d' => '2010-12-23', 'm-d-Y' => '12-23-2010', 'd-m-Y' => '23-12-2010', 'Y/m/d' => '2010/12/23', 'm/d/Y' => '12/23/2010', 'd/m/Y' => '23/12/2010', 'Y.m.d' => '2010.12.23', 'd.m.Y' => '23.12.2010', 'm.d.Y' => '12.23.2010', ), 'datef' => 'm/d/Y', 'dbconfig' => array ( 'db_host_name' => 'hostnamexxx', 'db_host_instance' => '', 'db_user_name' => 'xxxxxx', 'db_password' => 'xxxxxxx', 'db_name' => 'SuiteCRM', 'db_type' => 'mssql', 'db_port' => '', 'db_manager' => 'SqlsrvManager', ), 'dbconfigoption' => array ( 'persistent' => true, 'autofree' => false, 'debug' => 0, 'ssl' => false, ), 'default_action' => 'index', 'default_charset' => 'UTF-8', 'default_currencies' => array ( 'AUD' => array ( 'name' => 'Australian Dollars', 'iso4217' => 'AUD', 'symbol' => '$', ), 'BRL' => array ( 'name' => 'Brazilian Reais', 'iso4217' => 'BRL', 'symbol' => 'R$', ), 'GBP' => array ( 'name' => 'British Pounds', 'iso4217' => 'GBP', 'symbol' => '£', ), 'CAD' => array ( 'name' => 'Canadian Dollars', 'iso4217' => 'CAD', 'symbol' => '$', ), 'CNY' => array ( 'name' => 'Chinese Yuan', 'iso4217' => 'CNY', 'symbol' => '¥', ), 'EUR' => array ( 'name' => 'Euro', 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'upload_dir' => 'upload/', 'upload_maxsize' => 30000000, 'use_common_ml_dir' => false, 'use_real_names' => true, 'vcal_time' => '2', 'verify_client_ip' => true, );