by ValeDale

vProjects integrated with SuiteCRM offers an effective way to manage your projects online. It includes impressive features like an interactive GANTT editor, export to Microsoft Project, and much more.

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Admin Guide



Known issues: There is an issue with SuiteCRM related to Legacy modules. Please check out the link for workaround till issue is cleared up with SuiteCRM.


You can define holidays, that will not be taken into account as working days.

You can do so by defining in your sugarinstance, in config_override.php a new variable: 'PM_holidays'.

The format is a string of entities with the format: #yyyy_mm_dd


$sugar_config['PM_holidays'] = "#2022_07_15#2022_01_06#2022_04_18#2022_05_01#2022_08_15#2022_11_01#2022_12_06#2022_12_08#2022_12_25";

Alternatively, you can define the data in \modules\vde_Project\resources\jQueryGantt-master\libs\i18nJs.js

In variable “holidays”. (not recommended).


The following files are needed for the right translation in CRM context (in the module zip file):

  • ListView vProjects, Menu vProjects, GANTT :
    • Valedale_vProject_v.X.Y.Z \SugarModules\modules\vde_Project\language\xx_yy.lang.php
  • Dropdowns:
    • Valedale_vProject_v.X.Y.Z\SugarModules\language\application\xx_yy.ValeDaleProjectManagement.php

Also, if you want to use the make reports of related modules and what them translated, you will need also:

  • Valedale_vProject_v.X.Y.Z \SugarModules\modules\vde_ProjectTask\language\xx_yy.lang.php
  • Valedale_vProject_v.X.Y.Z \SugarModules\modules\vde_ProjectVersion\language\xx_yy.lang.php

If you want to add a new language, please contact us, as additional changes will be required to the module.

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