A GDPR Data Privacy solution for SuiteCRM provides companies like yours with the tools to build trust while enhancing customer experiences. This customized solution is not just about meeting GDPR Regulatory, But this solution implements best practices for data privacy into how they do business. It is an opportunity for the Company's customers to build a relationship based on trust and transparency with their own customers.
Our GDPR Data Privacy solution for SuiteCRM provides companies like yours with the tools to build trust while enhancing customer experiences. This customized solution is not just about meeting GDPR Regulatory, But this solution implements best practices for data privacy into how they do business. It’s an opportunity for the Company's customers to build a relationship based on trust and transparency with their own customers.
Getting started
Right to Access
Once customer request for the Data access either by feeling up the GDPR Request form or by email or phone. DPM will review the request and He/She can export the data that are in PII category into the WORD or PDF format as needed. Once the request is satisfied, DPM will close the Data Privacy Request by simply pressing the complete button on the detail view of the Data Privacy record. System by default set the Closed date as current date.
Right to Erasure
Once DPM gets the request for Erasure. DPM will review the request and verify with Proof of Identity and Proof of Address that are provided by the customer in GDPR Data Request form. DPM will have button Erase Info on the detail view of the Data Privacy record, It will open up the popup and shows the matching email address or first name and last name records from the supported module. Based on the selection it will show you the related records of Calls, Meetings, Emails, Tasks, and Notes. DPM will have an option for Anonymize, Delete or Archive. System automatically replace the value of PII field with sign "****" to make it unidentifiable.
Right to Object to Data Processing
Right to object to data processing is also known as Restrict Data Processing. Once customer request for the restriction, DPM will review the request and based on it. DPM can complete the request or reject. If DPM clicks on the complete button, It will update related records with field "Restrict Processing?" for supported module. So in future, any users can filter the records based on the flag to create Target List for Marketing Campaign or any means of follow-up to that particular customer.
Right to Portability
When Data Privacy manager receives a request for Portability. In System, He/She will have the option to Complete or Reject the request. If DPM decides to reject, It will forcefully ask to fill the reason for the rejection. If DPM decide to complete, It will have popup with option to Export PDF or Word format file with the data that are fall in PII (Personally Identifiable Information). then after DPM can send it those file in any form via email or printed copy as per company policy or as needed.
Right to Manage Consent
One of the simplest ways of getting consent is through a data capture form, on which customer can simply select the consent options like, Marketing Email, Call, SMS, Postal Marketing or Business processing. Here In solution, we have created an action in Listview from where he can send an email with a link of the Consent Form. so, customer, themselves can select the opt-in option as per their choice. and the choice of the customer will be automatically captured once the form is submitted. besides that, it will update the consent data like Date of last consent updated, Consent status like Pending, Waiting, Obtained and Not responded . As a solution, we have also introduced the mechanism where if we haven't received the Consent in last 30 days after sending it, System will automatically find the records that are waiting since last 30 days and update it to Not responded.
Right to Withdraw Consent
As we obtained the consent, Similar way customer can withdraw the consent anytime by filling up the Request form with option that he/she would like to opted-out for those status, like Marketing Email, Call, SMS, Postal Marketing or Business processing. As DPM receive the request, they can process to either Complete or Reject. If DPM go with Complete. It will automtically update the releated records as per the original request for withdraw consent option that selected by the customer.