by Urdhva Tech

A GDPR Data Privacy solution for SuiteCRM provides companies like yours with the tools to build trust while enhancing customer experiences. This customized solution is not just about meeting GDPR Regulatory, But this solution implements best practices for data privacy into how they do business. It is an opportunity for the Company's customers to build a relationship based on trust and transparency with their own customers.

Includes a 30 day guarantee
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Support Cases Author Status Type
#5651 Suite 8 upgrade - Are there any plans to upgrade to Suit8.6+? Open Bug?
#3529 Pricing and integration details - Could you please arrange telco to discuss your GDPR plugin feature and pricing Mohmmed.AlEMam Closed General Question
#3245 Doubts About Anonymize Data - Hello, We need to know if can your solution only anonymize the records in the database and keep t keeggoSolucoes Closed General Question
#3046 Cancellation - Hi I would like to cancel my payment for this plug-in as our client has already purchased. Many AIM Sales Agility Closed General Question