by Brainvire Infotech Pvt. Ltd

Stop wasting time with unverified emails. The BV Email Verify add-on immediately verifies your customer email addresses, helping to weed out incorrect emails and cleanse email data before it enters your SuiteCRM database.

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User Guide

The Email Verify Plugin in SuiteCRM system serves the purpose of validating and verifying email addresses associated with customer records. By implementing an Email Verify Plugin in a CRM system, businesses can maintain a more accurate and reliable database, reduce bounce rates, enhance communication effectiveness, and mitigate potential issues associated with incorrect or invalid email addresses.


  1. Email Format Validation
  2. Domain Validation
  3. Duplicate Email Prevention
  4. Real-time Verification

Verified Email Address:

If you input a valid email address, the email verification plugin will typically check the format of the email address. Additionally, it may perform a more advanced check to verify the existence of the domain and whether the email server is reachable.


Not Verified Email Address:

If the entered email address does not meet the required format or if it contains any invalid characters, the CRM system may display an error sign indicating that the email address is not valid.


Date and time of the last email verification will be logged in CRM and will be displayed on the detail view of the record.


Here is the complete overview of this plugin

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  • "Great product that is very simple to use and working as intended. My team is very impressed with how the add-on functions."

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