Use Contactually Along With SuiteCRM

Posted by on July 9, 2018
Contactually is a popular contact database for real estate agents and brokerages. Using it along with SuiteCRM creates a powerful combination. SuiteCRM's tools for automation, marketing, self service portals, etc makes it a no brainer for Contactually users. This integration provides a way for contacts to be synced between the applications.

New SecuritySuite Features Including Multiple Assigned Users

Posted by on June 20, 2018
When I first released the alpha version of SecuritySuite over 10 years ago I could not imagine it being used by tens of thousands of businesses every single day. Today, SuiteCRM includes a basic version of SecuritySuite by default. Wow! I am forever grateful. This leads me to the big announcement. I have never posted a blog about SecuritySuite before, but I am so excited about these new capabilities and plans that I had to share them. These are not included in SuiteCRM by default. Please humor me for a few minutes and read on.

GDPR compliance simplified for SuiteCRM

Posted by on June 6, 2018
GDPR has been a hot topic for the past few months as it impacts just about every business and includes requirements that could add considerable effort in order to be in compliance. KIMANU put together a great solution to simplify that effort with a host of tools.

Mobile meeting planning with QuickCRM 6.2

Posted by on May 30, 2018
The new release of QuickCRM makes it easier to plan your meetings while on the road. Quickly identify Accounts, Contacts or Leads nearby your meetings in the Calendar map view, so that you can plan new meetings and optimize your trips. Found an account nearby? Use the new Schedule Meeting functionality.

Free Marketing Automation Features for Everyone

Posted by on May 3, 2017
The world’s largest marketing automation platform just announced some huge news. MailChimp's marketing automation features are now free. Even the Forever Free plans. What does this mean to you? Now you can build out your customer journey, with personalized automations, at no extra cost.