Proactively monitor your SuiteCRM to make sure that:

  • The system is up and running
  • Emails are sending out
  • Queries are running fast
  • No one misses a meeting or call
  • You get notified any sort of event that you may want to monitor using SQL
  • and more

By installing this both on your server and in your SuiteCRM you can monitor and be alerted on a number of different activities which lets you get ahead of potentially disastrous situations.

Highlevel Overview

Monitor is a tool designed to automatically monitor a software. It allows you to quickly acknowledge certain administrative issues. Thanks to its alerts, you are able to react to any technical complications without the need of constantly scanning the system. It is dedicated to programmers, administrators and software maintenance employees, but will help anyone who wants to get alarmed in case of some technical problems.

Ongoing, Always On Monitoring

Instead of doing a yearly scheduled test of your system, use ongoing monitoring to ensure that your folks are always able to get their job done.


Email, Slack & Rocket.Chat Notifications

Get notified however you prefer. Whether it be e-mail, Slack, Rocket.Chat, Greylog, or any other logging platform, we can work with it to keep you on top of the status of your system.


To learn more about this solution go to Monitor for SuiteCRM or search for "monitor".

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