There are times where you want certain user roles to be able to see a given dashlet and other times where you do not even if they have data permissions to that module. Dashlet Roles gives you that flexibility to turn on or off dashlets for certain roles without having to change the module permissions for those users.

Highlevel Overview

Be explicit about which users have access to each specific dashlet. Enable or disable dashlets for certain types of users regardless of what their permissions are to that module. Gives finer control over the data available to a user from the home page dashboard.

Configure Dashlets for Users

Configure Dashlets for SuiteCRM Users

Works With All Modules

Dashlet Roles also works great with custom modules and custom dashlets.

Filters Available Dashlet List

Once configured, the available dashlet list will hide or show the dashlets as configured.

Filters Available SuiteCRM Dashlet List

To learn more about this solution go to Dashlet Roles or search for "dashlet".

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