by AppJetty

Reduce Operational costs and improve customer satisfaction by giving access of advanced knowledge base and robust ticketing system to unlimited customers. Get your custom data-management flow configured with SuiteCRM customer portal for WordPress.

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#667 - Installed fresh suitecrm, uploaded WP portal, no validation / config possible

Closed Bug? created by toprow 7 years ago

No matter what I do, I can not get this module to work.

Upload and installation proceed, then ends in either blank screen on /index.php?module=Administration&action=license or on screen with input for licensenumber which goes nowhere after entering the licence number and hitting validate.

A whole bunch of errors in chrome console, varying from array values not filled to Null / empty page.

Next to that whatever I try results in a XSRF error so not much to go on besides " Undefined index: k in /webroot/custom/biz/classes/Portalcontroller.php on line 700

  1. Biztech member avatar

    AppJetty Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago

    Hi Toprow,

    Greetings from Appjetty!

    Would you please share the SuiteCRM version in which you are facing this issue?

    Also it would be great if you can share the CRM Admin user login credentials to identify the issues with license validation.

    Kindly share the details on

    Hope this helps! We are awaiting your response!

    Regards, Appjetty.

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