by RT Dynamic

Personalize your SuiteCRM experience so it’s both unique and more efficient with the new RT Dynamic Wild Berries Theme!

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#5175 - It doesn't work

Open Bug? created by vflores Verified Purchase 3 months ago

I followed the installation, in addition to ensuring the correct folder permissions. but when you access it again, the suite turns white and the styles are lost

  1. vflores member avatar

    vflores Verified Purchase

    3 months ago

    Suitecrm Versión 7.14.1 theme 1.2.1

  2. rtdynamic member avatar

    RT Dynamic Provider

    3 months ago


    We're sorry that you are facing difficulties using Wild Berries Theme. In order to know when the issue occurs, we need you to do the following:

    Install our theme, verify the license, and then go to Admin - Themes. Here: 1. Check "enabled" for Wild Berries Theme. 2. Make it default theme. 3. Disable SuiteP theme by unchecking the box. 4. Save and reload the page.

    We would advise you to try the plugin on a staging environment first, so the live instance is not disturbed in case of any issues.

    If you follow these steps, and the problem is still there, please let us know. It would be helpful if you could also confirm whether your SuiteCRM is self-hosted or an on-demand instance.

    We are committed to serving you and look forward to your response.


    RT Dynamic

  3. rtdynamic member avatar

    RT Dynamic Provider

    3 months ago


    We're just checking in to see if the issue has been resolved. Please let us know.


    RT Dynamic

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