by Verity Infotech

With the SuiteCRM WhatsApp Integration, your team can engage buyers and increase sales revenue with individualized conversations via one-click WhatsApp sending from anywhere in the CRM. Utilize convenient features like: two-way single or bulk messaging, WhatsApp templates, message scheduling and more.

Includes a 30 day guarantee
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#5448 - TICKET: Aug 2024 - SuiteCRM WhatsApp Integration loading error? & payment at the start of the trial period?

Open Bug? created by it33 7 months ago

I loaded the SuiteCRM WhatsApp Integration App in SuiteCRM 7.14.1 and something odd happened I have not seen before in using SuiteCRM.

NOTE: When I started the trial of this app my credit card was immediately charged while with other apps in the SuiteCRM store the charge did not occur until the trial period ended after 30 days.

The plugin loaded as I could see the WhatsApp Integration Settings and add the licence key. but in Module Loader the WhatsApp package shows as not loaded (it still shows two buttons - Install or delete package)..

The other issue happened when, after installation, I clicked on Repair - Quick Repair and Rebuild.

I get the following message and script

Differences found between database and vardefs

/* Table : email_templates / /COLUMNS/ /MISSING IN DATABASE - vrt_modules_sms - ROW/ / INDEXES / ALTER TABLE email_templates add COLUMN vrt_modules_sms varchar(255) NULL ; / Table : vrt_whatsapp_history / / MISSING TABLE: vrt_whatsapp_history / CREATE TABLE vrt_whatsapp_history (id char(36) NOT NULL ,name varchar(255) NULL ,date_entered datetime NULL ,date_modified datetime NULL ,modified_user_id char(36) NULL ,created_by char(36) NULL ,description text NULL ,deleted bool DEFAULT '0' NULL ,assigned_user_id char(36) NULL ,scheduled datetime NULL ,status varchar(100) NULL ,direction varchar(100) NULL ,tonumber varchar(255) NULL ,parent_type varchar(255) NULL ,parent_id char(36) NULL ,start_date datetime NULL , PRIMARY KEY (id)) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci; / Table : vrt_whatsapp_history_accounts_c / / MISSING TABLE: vrt_whatsapp_history_accounts_c / CREATE TABLE vrt_whatsapp_history_accounts_c (id varchar(36) NOT NULL ,date_modified datetime NULL ,deleted bool DEFAULT '0' NULL ,vrt_whatsapp_history_accountsaccounts_ida varchar(36) NULL ,vrt_whatsapp_history_accountsvrt_whatsapp_history_idb varchar(36) NULL , PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY vrt_whatsapp_history_accounts_ida1 (vrt_whatsapp_history_accountsaccounts_ida), KEY vrt_whatsapp_history_accounts_alt (vrt_whatsapp_history_accountsvrt_whatsapp_history_idb)) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci; / Table : vrt_whatsapp_history_contacts_c / / MISSING TABLE: vrt_whatsapp_history_contacts_c / CREATE TABLE vrt_whatsapp_history_contacts_c (id varchar(36) NOT NULL ,date_modified datetime NULL ,deleted bool DEFAULT '0' NULL ,vrt_whatsapp_history_contactscontacts_ida varchar(36) NULL ,vrt_whatsapp_history_contactsvrt_whatsapp_history_idb varchar(36) NULL , PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY vrt_whatsapp_history_contacts_ida1 (vrt_whatsapp_history_contactscontacts_ida), KEY vrt_whatsapp_history_contacts_alt (vrt_whatsapp_history_contactsvrt_whatsapp_history_idb)) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci; / Table : vrt_whatsapp_history_leads_c / / MISSING TABLE: vrt_whatsapp_history_leads_c */ CREATE TABLE vrt_whatsapp_history_leads_c (id varchar(36) NOT NULL ,date_modified datetime NULL ,deleted bool DEFAULT '0' NULL ,vrt_whatsapp_history_leadsleads_ida varchar(36) NULL ,vrt_whatsapp_history_leadsvrt_whatsapp_history_idb varchar(36) NULL , PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY vrt_whatsapp_history_leads_ida1 (vrt_whatsapp_history_leadsleads_ida), KEY vrt_whatsapp_history_leads_alt (vrt_whatsapp_history_leadsvrt_whatsapp_history_idb)) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;

  1. verityinfotech member avatar

    Verity Infotech Provider Affiliate

    7 months ago

    Hello Please connect us on skype for the discussion.

  2. it33 member avatar


    7 months ago

    Your website is down. How do I contact you on Skype?

    I sent you an email on Saturday.

    Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2024 6:02 PM To:

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