by Urdhva Tech

Need a landing page for your next campaign? A way for your customers to create support cases? Do your sales reps need a way to enter leads? With WebToModule you can create custom webforms for these any many other users. Supports all modules, including custom modules.

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#335 - Will you WebToModule hide code from bots

Closed General Question created by RollyT 7 years ago

Will you WebToModule hide code from bots.

  1. urdhvatech member avatar

    Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago

    Hello RollyT,

    We have released a new version[3.0] which over comes any such issues. Below are the new features added.

    • Allow create/update to only the fields that are being displayed and the module for which it is enabled.
    • Accepts WebToModule entry only from the allowed Host(URL).

    Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech.

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