by Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd

Webhooks allow communication with third-party applications by sending instant web notifications every time an event occurs in your SuiteCRM. With the Webhooks Integration, you can configure HTTP URLs and associate them in workflow rules to automate the entire notification process.

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#5258 - Dropdown, Multi-select and number not pulling through with correct format.

In Progress Bug? created by 11 months ago

Hi there,

I'm using webhooks in conjunction with n8n to post to wordpress.

I am just having an issue with some of the field types not grabbing the correct values.

For instance I have a dropdown list is defined as "Item Name[Display Label]".

Here's a few examples:

3_Phase_Electricity [3 Phase Electricity]
Air_Conditioning [Air-Conditioning] 
Automatic_Door [Automatic Door]
Ceramic_Floor [Ceramic Floor]

The JSON that is sent to n8n, however looks like this:

"internal-features": "^Air_Conditioning^,^Double_Glazed^,^Electricity_Utility^,^Partially_Furnished^,^Soffit_Ceilings^,^Water_Utility^,^Wheelchair_Accessible^",

In these examples you might say just put it through a filter to replace _ with spaces, but it's not so simple. This is because I have lists that has the Display name in special characters (e.g. ê,å, etc.) that's not allowed as the Item Name by SuiteCRM.

Is there any way to send the Display Label, rather than the Item Name with the webhook?

Would be soooo so much appreciated.

  1. varianceinfotech member avatar

    Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

    11 months ago


    For dropdown(single, multienum) field, we've passed value of dropdown field option using json encoding format. CRM stored dropdown option value in the database once record save in CRM.

    Variance Infotech PVT LTD

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