vReports is an enterprise-grade reporting module for SuiteCRM that is easy to use, but hosts many advanced features. It includes helpful functions like Orgcharts, Bookmarks, and interactive graphics.
#5493 - Installing modules in moduel loader
I am trying to get the vProjects module setup to test for our CRM instance. I have gone through the initial installation of the vCommon database, but when I go to install the vReports module it is saying that the vCommon database is not installed. Is there something within the module that needs to be activated before I can proceed with the other two installations?
6 months ago
Hi Mark, Not sure what you mean with the installation of the vCommon database. You should install vCommon just as a standard module. Did you ? Let´s take it from there. If you did install vCommon as a standard module: - Did you check that it is actually is installed (check out at the module loader). - What is the exact message that you are getting ? - What is the SuiteCRM version you are using ? Let us know to move forward. vReports module should install fine after the installation of vCommon. Even in SuiteCRM 8 (there are some minor presentation issues there, but....) Let us know. Julio
6 months ago
..Also check out your SuiteCRM and php logs to see if there were any errors. Maybe some permission issues ?
6 months ago
Hi Julio: After purchasing the trial memberships of vReports and Vproject I downloaded all three zip files associated with each module and uploaded them to the module loader. I was planning to install vCommon then vReports and finally vProject. I thought vCommon installed successfully based off of the status I got in the screen shot below but when I went to install reports it kicks back and error saying I need to install vCommon. Can you tell me how to install vCommon as a standard module? Do I have to use the zip files that came with the files when I setup the purchase? See screen shots attached.

6 months ago
Hi Mark,
Just to be sure. I am not sure if you have a lot of experience with SuiteCRM, so I am going to start very basic (sorry if it is too obvious).
You should not have to take any further action.
Let us know how it goes !
6 months ago
Yeah thats what I did for vCommon but its not showing up in the installed extensions list. Can you think of a reason why? I am using an admin account so I should have the necessary permissions.
6 months ago
Note that you being an admin does not mean that your system is set-up properly with the right permissions. There are some instructions in the SuiteCRM manual on setting the file permissions...
6 months ago
Well... it could be (and probably are?) the file permissions settings. Are you on Windows or Linux ? Hosted or local system ? You would have to check the suiteCRM and php logs and see if some errors show up. What database are you using ? What SuiteCRM version ?
I noticed that you have no other modules installed, so maybe this is a generic issue ? Maybe try to install a very basic module first and verify if you can install anything on your system ?
6 months ago
We are on Version 8.6.1. I am accessing Suite CRM from a Microsoft edge browser on a mac and I am VPN'ed into our own Linux server that hosts our database. This instance is a test version that we have setup to customize some settings we want to use before we upgrade our current system that is in production.
5 months ago
Hi Mark, Any progress ? Cheers,
6 months ago
OK, so your system runs on Linux, so the possibility of the file permissions not being correct, is a possibility (should not be an issue on a Windows Server). If installation of vCommon went to 100%, but it does not show up in the first screen, for sure, the SuiteCRM DB was not updated with the new module. This could have many reasons. You would have to check those logs...
Note that we are testing right now all our modules with SuiteCRM v8. There are some presentation issues, but it should install fine. After installation you have to define that the modules should be in compatibility mode, see:
You would have to define there the new modules: (I can send you a file with this, as the presentation will probably be corrupted here...) BUT: this is not necessary for installing it... parameters: legacy.module_routing: vde_Reports: index: false list: false record: false vde_Project: index: false list: false record: false vde_Forms: index: false list: false record: false vde_Views: index: false list: false record: false vde_Common: index: false list: false record: false
6 months ago
FYI: we have all those modules installed on SuiteCRM 8.6.2. We are testing right now with MySQL as DB. We will be later testing with MSSQL.
5 months ago
Hi Mark,
FYI: although this will not solve the issue you mentioned, we will be publishing by the end of the week new versions of all the modules with some minor modifications so that all will work on SuiteCRM v8 without having to touch any file, so full automated process. There were some additional minor issues that we solved (mainly some specific presentation). So expect this Friday new versions.
5 months ago
Thank you Julio. It looks like this add-in is not going to meet the needs of our organization right now. I have canceled the trial, but can you please confirm for me that I have cancelled the necessary subscriptions and that I will NOT be charged the subscription fee on the 25th?
5 months ago
Hi Mark, Jessica here from The SuiteCRM Store. All billing is handled by our store (email store@suitecrmstore.com), but I am chiming in to confirm your vReports free trial was cancelled and you will not be charged. You do currently have another trial open for vProjects. If you need to cancel, you can log in to your account Orders page to cancel, or email our team for help.
4 months ago
vCommon now installs without issue in SuiteCRM v8. It seems that there are some issues in SuiteCRM v8 when the module loader tries to do an automatic repair. It seems almost like a race-condition. In any case, this is now deactivated for vCommon (and some other ValeDale modules). Installation should now work as expected.