by Helfertech

This add-on helps users log into SuiteCRM with their existing Google ID, so they no longer need to remember multiple user credentials. As the plugin enables the user will automatically redirect to Google URL where the user selects an account he will redirect on the CRM.

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#5317 - Can't log into SuiteCRM after Google connection

Closed Bug? created by sfaure Verified Purchase 9 months ago

Hi, I try to log in SuiteCRM using the button "Login with Goodle ID". Then the Google popup appears and I log in with my google account. A user with my Google email address exists in my suiteCRM instance. Then the callback URL is called but I am not into SuiteCRM, the login page is displayed again (without the button "Login with Goodle ID".

Could you help me please ?

  1. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider

    9 months ago


    Could you kindly confirm which version of SuiteCRM you are currently using? Your version information will greatly aid us in pinpointing the source of the problem and providing you with the best possible solution.

    Regards, Helfertech

    • sfaure member avatar

      sfaure Verified Purchase

      9 months ago

      Oh sorry, we are using SuiteCRM 8.5.0_21.

  2. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider

    9 months ago


    could you please make a short video or screenshots of the issue and send it to this email address:

    Also, Please share the screenshots of the configuration of URL, if possible.


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