by Helfertech

This add-on helps users log into SuiteCRM with their existing Google ID, so they no longer need to remember multiple user credentials. As the plugin enables the user will automatically redirect to Google URL where the user selects an account he will redirect on the CRM.

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#4581 - Validation of key doesnt Work

Closed Bug? created by 2 years ago

Error: SugarOutfitters_API::call(): Unable to validate the license key. Please configure the firewall to allow requests to and make sure that SSL certs are up to date on the server.

  1. gowtham_sara member avatar

    2 years ago

    As my SSL certificates are up to date and i have whitelisted this link in my firewall also

  2. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider

    2 years ago


    This is default SuiteCRM license validation call we use to validate licensing. There might be some issue with firewall you configured. Can you please double check.

    If you still facing issues, can you please share credentials with us in email so that we could investigate.

    Thank you.

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