by Implicit Inc.

Scalable, Enterprise-Class solution for integrating SuiteCRM with Exchange / Office 365. Synchronize contacts, calendars and tasks. Set rules for auto-archiving of incoming/outgoing emails. Combine (optional) with an Exchange / Office 365 add-on that presents an Email Side-Panel in Outlook and allows users to view, create and edit CRM records from within Outlook.

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#4990 - Error message on initialisation: Invalid server URL

Open Installation created by ddieste a year ago

Greetings, I am trying to use this plugin for a locally hosted SuiteCRM v8.3.1 running on Apache 2.4.56 and PHP 8.0.28. I have already installed the software and the appropiate patch but still, each time I try to verify this server I receive the message "Account verification failed. Invalid server URL". Which makes no sense at all, given that I have pasted said URL from my browser where the CRM is actually reachable. Please tell me where my error lies.

  1. Implicit member avatar

    Implicit Inc. Provider

    a year ago


    please see this checklist:

    Are you using your own signed SSL certificate?

    • ddieste member avatar


      a year ago

      For now this is not applicable, as I reach the server via HTTP. Also, I had noticed that the version of 8.3.1 is not supported by the plugin at all and consequently changed to version 7.13.4. The error however persist, even with the patch installed. Please advise.

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