by Implicit Inc.

Scalable, Enterprise-Class solution for integrating SuiteCRM with Exchange / Office 365. Synchronize contacts, calendars and tasks. Set rules for auto-archiving of incoming/outgoing emails. Combine (optional) with an Exchange / Office 365 add-on that presents an Email Side-Panel in Outlook and allows users to view, create and edit CRM records from within Outlook.

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#2493 - How to link or import lead/account emails

Closed Bug? created by Eli-net 5 years ago

Good morning I'm testing SuiteCRM Exchange / Office 365 Integration, I have a problem... how do I store reply emails (incoming emails) connected to a lead or account? I would like to get automatically the same functionality that I do manually or in SuiteCrm -> Email -> select the response mail -> Actions -> import. With the 'implicit front end' tool I created an email rule..

From: any
To/CC: Any
Subject contains: offerta
Archive to: all recipients and their respective accounts 

That rule doesn't work... or I'm the one who's wrong...


Marco Bullo

  1. Implicit member avatar

    Implicit Inc. Provider

    5 years ago


    This rule does not work because you specified 'Any' in both 'From' and 'To'. If you want to apply to incoming emails - select the checkbox for incoming, select 'Any contact' (or lead) in the from field and leave the 'To/CC' empty

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