#5288 - Recicle Bin in top navigation menu
I have configured Recicle Bin to appear inside top navigation menu. It shows the main page with the modules but I can not access them.
Is Recicle Bin only prepared to work from admin panel or is this a bug?
I have Recicle Bin V2.5 in SuiteCRM 7.13.3 with PHP 8.0.25 and mysql 8.0.30.
Best regards
11 months ago
We apologize for the inconvenience. Rest assured, our team is working on addressing the matter, and we will let you know once it's done.
As for this query, In the Recycle bin plug-in, Accessed from the Admin Panel isn't a Bug. Currently, You can access Recycle bin from the Admin Panel.
We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.
11 months ago
My question was about accessing the plugin from the top navigation menu, it works fine from the admin panel. I'm sorry if I do not explain myself correctly..
Best regards
11 months ago
Great, if it's working fine from the admin panel. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.