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#3738 - does not work with MSsql part 2

Closed Installation created by Serge Pelletier 3 years ago

for some reason my post was cut here is the log Fri Jul 16 11:20:59 2021 [11864][465ee86b-b620-8ee9-c5b5-5cdc4ae4e78b][FATAL] Query Failed:SELECT * FROM recycle_bin_relationship_records WHERE parrent_id=N'F7DB14B2-C601-4305-8511-F8AC2CCB7783' LIMIT 1::: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near 'LIMIT'. Fri Jul 16 11:20:59 2021 [11864][465ee86b-b620-8ee9-c5b5-5cdc4ae4e78b][FATAL] Exception in Controller: Database failure. Please refer to suitecrm.log for details.

mssql does not use the "limit" keyword the proper mssql statement would be SELECT TOP 1 * FROM recycle_bin_relationship_records WHERE parrent_id=N'F7DB14B2-C601-4305-8511-F8AC2CCB7783'

so the top keyword is the right one and it is not located at the same position in the query...

  1. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider

    3 years ago

    Hi, We have uploaded our latest release and fixed the MySQL syntax issue. Please download it from our product page. Thank you.

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