by Redian Software

Recurring Tasks Extension helps you create tasks and automatically schedule repeat tasks for specified or all SuiteCRM users.

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#5162 - Having an issue while selecting the setup Re-Occurence

Closed Bug? created by a year ago


Initially, I was getting some errors like PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Non-static method ACLRole::getAllRoles() cannot be called statically. So I gave static keyword to the method getAllRoles in ACLRole.php file and then only I can able to create or view the recurring tasks inside recurring tasks extension. Now the I can able to create recurring tasks but when I select any of the options like daily, weekly, monthly., Execution time is not appearing. I am in need of your help you to resolve this issue.

  1. rediansoftware member avatar

    Redian Software Provider

    a year ago


    Could you please let us know the SuiteCRM Version you are using?

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