by Offshore Evolution Pvt Ltd

Proximity searches are becoming more essential to businesses every day. Sales and marketing teams use them to organize field visits and campaigns. The real estate industry use them to offer better alternative locations to their customers. Hotel, travel and tourism businesses use them to offer various accommodation options and places to visit. How will you use it?

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#2689 - Getting proximity map to work

Closed Installation created by m.potter 4 years ago

I installed the proximity search, looks like it needs to process the lat, long of everything. The job to do that is supposed to run at 2am, Is there a way to do this manually?

  1. dipeshpatel member avatar

    Offshore Evolution Pvt Ltd Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago

    No we do not have any option to execute cron function manually. If required, I can provide custom page to execute that or you can change your scheduler time 2am to every 1 hr or whatever you want.

    Make sure, you have configure Google API proper way. Contact us if any help required for Google API key generate.

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