MTS Theme Builder is a tool that helps you customize themes for your SuiteCRM system. There’s no code needed to create a professional theme with unique colors that works best for you and your team.
#5152 - Error installing onto a SuiteCRM 7.14.2 - PHP 8.2
Hi Support,
We are attempting to install your module on a CRM systsm running SuiteCRM 7.14.2 and PHP 8.2 but get an error:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Failed opening required 'vendor/scssphp/scssphp/' (include_path='/var/www/html:/var/www/html/include/..:.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') in /var/www/html/modules/MTS_ThemeBuilder/MTS_ThemeBuilder.php:40 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/ModuleInstall/ModuleInstaller.php(1960): require_once() #1 /var/www/html/ModuleInstall/ModuleInstaller.php(177): ModuleInstaller->install_beans(Array) #2 /var/www/html/modules/Administration/UpgradeWizard_commit.php(342): ModuleInstaller->install('cache/upgrades/...') #3 /var/www/html/include/MVC/View/SugarView.php(824): include_once('/var/www/tempde...') #4 /var/www/html/include/MVC/View/views/view.classic.php(72): SugarView->includeClassicFile('cache/upgrades/...') #5 /var/www/html/include/MVC/View/SugarView.php(210): ViewClassic->display() #6 /var/www/html/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php(432): SugarView->process() #7 /var/www/html/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php(363): SugarController->processView() #8 /var/www/html/include/MVC/SugarApplication.php(101): SugarController->execute() #9 /var/www/html/index.php(52): SugarApplication->execute() #10 {main} thrown in /var/www/html/modules/MTS_ThemeBuilder/MTS_ThemeBuilder.php on l
Could you please help us to resolve this.
Kind regards,
a year ago
Hi, Thanks for your reporting I will check and update soon
a year ago
I have released v1.1.2 to resolve the issue. Please go to your order and download v1.1.2 and try again.
Please give me your feedback if it works.
Thanks, Mien Trung Software
a year ago
That has worked.
Many thanks.