by Mien Trung Software (CRMPluginHub)

MTS SubPanel Search makes it easy to QUICK SEARCH ANY INFORMATION IN A SUBPANEL. Because you can filter searches right from any subpanel you can drill down to the exact record you need in little time. This gets you back to focusing on the real business value task on hand.

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#2585 - Subpanels empty when collapsed

Closed Bug? created by ghansen Verified Purchase 5 years ago

We've found that if the subpanels are collapsed and and you expand them, they are empty, but if you select the search button in the subpanel it will populate the records in the subpanel.

This is a little confusing for users and took be by surprise at first as all the sudden our subpanels were empty, but once i hit search the records appeared. Any thoughts on this?

  1. nhat.thieu member avatar

    Mien Trung Software (CRMPluginHub) Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Hi ghansen,

    Thanks for your reported, can you give me the SuiteCRM version? I will check and update to you soon.

    SuiteCRM Addon

    • ghansen member avatar

      ghansen Verified Purchase

      5 years ago

      Yes, it is the current 7.11.12

    • nhat.thieu member avatar

      Mien Trung Software (CRMPluginHub) Provider Affiliate

      5 years ago

      Thanks you! I will investigate and resolve it. Please wait a patch. I will let you know once next patch released

    • nhat.thieu member avatar

      Mien Trung Software (CRMPluginHub) Provider Affiliate

      5 years ago

      Hi ghansen,

      I have released patch version 1.0.3. You please access into your order to download and upgrade then give me a feedback.

      Thanks, SuiteCRM Addon.

  2. ghansen member avatar

    ghansen Verified Purchase

    5 years ago

    Thanks for the impressive turnaround time on this. Sub panels now load the the information without having to select the search button. This ticket can be closed.

    Thank you -Glen

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