MTS Field Highlight is an add-on that helps you highlight important fields on a record. For example, if the phone number field is important to your business because you do a heavy volume of outbound calling you can have that field highlighted so that eyes are able to find that field quickly. Similarly, highlight a field such as the opportunity amount to make that number easy to find.
#3325 - Database failure. Please refer to suitecrm.log for details.
Hi, I tried to save a new field highlight and I get a blank page with this error - "Database failure. Please refer to suitecrm.log for details."
Please advise.
4 years ago
Hello, Can you give use your field type? and if can please check log and give us. It will helpful for us quick detect the issue.
Thanks, SuiteCRM Addon Team
4 years ago
Hi, Table 'suitecrm_pg.mts_fieldhighlight' doesn't exist
Is this helps?
4 years ago
Ah, I got it. So, you please go to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair & Rebuild > Scroll to bottom page > Click on 'Execute' to create the table. Then try again.
Thanks, SuiteCRM Addon Team
4 years ago
Works! Thanks!
Now I chose the Status field for example (drop-down list) and in the detail view, I can see the key of the field instead of the display. What should I do?
4 years ago
Hello, Can you give me a screenshot about it? Thank you
4 years ago
Can you see this?
4 years ago
Oh, Looks like it's a bug. Can you give me all Status options? both key and the display?
4 years ago
Maybe can we have a short Zoom meeting? Would you like to send me an email or that I send it to you?
4 years ago
Okay, so please send me via email. I will check it soon. Our email: