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#2104 - Error trying to connect Mautic and SuiteCRM

Closed Installation created by Shulito 5 years ago


We are currently using the free trial to evaluate the plugin and we have problem on step 2 of the "Configuration Guide". When I click the link on the "CLICK THIS LINK to generate access tokens" message, I get a 500 error on mautic:

[2019-07-18 15:04:56] mautic.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception OAuth2\OAuth2ServerException: "redirect_uri_mismatch" at /var/www/html/mautic/vendor/friendsofsymfony/oauth2-php/lib/OAuth2.php line 1186 {"exception":"[object] (OAuth2\OAuth2ServerException(code: 0): redirect_uri_mismatch at /var/www/html/mautic/vendor/friendsofsymfony/oauth2-php/lib/OAuth2.php:1186)"} []

We are running mautic and suite on the same server: http://myserver/crm http://myserver/mautic

Two things to note: 1 - I had to set the property "Mautic Instance URL" to "http://myserver/mautic/index.php" (in the image of the guide it doesn't have the "index.php"), otherwise it gave me a 404 when trying to click the "CLICK THIS LINK to generate access tokens" link. 2 - I've set the value of the "Redirect URI" of the API Credentials inside Mautic to "http://myserver/crm/mautic_api/get_token", which is the URL shown by the plugin in the "Set Connector Properties" page in SuiteCRM, but in the Configuration Guide it says it should be "http://myserver/crm/mautic/get_token" (without the "_api").

We are using SuiteCRM version 7.9.5 and Mautic 2.15.1.

Thanks, Julián

  1. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    5 years ago

    Hello Julian,

    We are very happy to know that you are interested in our services. I forwarded your message to our developer. I will give you feedback ASAP.

    Best regards, Maciej Jankiewicz

  2. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    5 years ago


    1. After clicking "CLICK THIS LINK" there is a 500 error with Mautica, because the field is probably incorrectly set: a) Mautic -> Configuration -> API Credentials -> OAuth 2 -> (registry for SuiteCRM) -> Redirect URI

    - in this case, this field should be: http: // myserver / crm / mautic_api / get_token, https: // myserver / crm / mautic_api / get_token - in documentation on SS, in Configuration Guide instead of 'mautic_api / get_token' is 'mautic / get_token' - please use the first one, documentation will be improved

    1. The second issue is in the field: a) CRM -> Administration -> Connectors -> Set Connector Properties -> Mautic Tab -> Mautic Instance URL

    - the value should be: http: // myserver / mautic and not http://myserver/mautic/index.php

    After applying the above changes, it should be possible to link SuiteCRM with Mautic after clicking on the 'CLICK THIS LINK'.

    Please, let me know if everything would be ok.

    Best regards, Maciej Jankiewicz eVolpe Support Team

  3. Shulito member avatar


    5 years ago


    I'm getting a 404. Here's my configuration:



    And when I click the LINK I get this:


    What could it be?

    Thanks, Julián

  4. Shulito member avatar


    5 years ago

    I forgot to change the URL in the "Mautic Instance URL" field before uploading the image, but all the URLs are correctly set in Mautic and SuiteCRM.

  5. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    5 years ago

    Hello Julian,

    • instead of http://myserver/crm there should be link to your instance
    • instead of http://myserver/mautic there should be link to your instance

    Best regards, Maciej Jankiewicz eVolpe Support Team

  6. Shulito member avatar


    5 years ago


    I wrote the "myserver" URLs because I didn't want to show the real URLs in a public forum, but I forgot to change it in the SuiteCRM configuration image before uploading it. I assure you that all the URLs are linked correctly in the instances. That is not the problem.

    Cheers, Julián

  7. eVolpe member avatar

    eVolpe Consulting Group Provider

    5 years ago


    Probably, the problem is a result of incorrect configuration. It might be better if we started to communicate via e-mail. I sent you more information on your address email.

    Best regards, Maciej Jankiewicz eVolpe Support Team

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