#2364 - not valid trial key?
Helloy. I am using a trial key received 2 days ago, but: 1. I get an error in the dashboard. 2. and the transition "Prepare Sending" is also an error, and in the log I get the answer: Wed Nov 13 12:28:44 2019 [19][-none-][FATAL] Exception handling in /var/www/html/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php:400 Wed Nov 13 12:28:44 2019 [19][-none-][FATAL] Exception in Controller: Validation error: {"name":"Sorry, this field can't be left blank."} Wed Nov 13 12:28:44 2019 [19][-none-][FATAL] backtrace:
0 /var/www/html/modules/JAK_Mandrill_Connector/mandrill/src/Mandrill.php(132): Mandrill->castError(Array)
1 /var/www/html/modules/JAK_Mandrill_Connector/mandrill/src/Mandrill/Templates.php(69): Mandrill->call('templates/info', Array)
2 /var/www/html/modules/JAK_Mandrill_Connector/get_merge_vars.php(17): Mandrill_Templates->info(NULL)
3 /var/www/html/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php(1020): require_once('/var/www/html/m...')
4 /var/www/html/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php(468): SugarController->handleEntryPoint()
5 /var/www/html/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php(373): SugarController->process()
6 /var/www/html/include/MVC/SugarApplication.php(126): SugarController->execute()
7 /var/www/html/index.php(61): SugarApplication->execute()
What could be the problem?
4 years ago
Hi - I assume we closed this via Zendesk, it was a problem with you servers firewall, not reaching the suitecrm license server, correct?